A Not-So-Modest Proposal - Quêtes

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A Not-So-Modest Proposal

Retrieve the Teleporter Power Pack and bring it to the Ethereal Teleport Pad on the Celestial Ridge to the east of Manaforge Ultris. Activate the pad and give the Teleporter Power Pack to the Image of Wind Trader Marid so he can install it.


From the look on your face, I can tell you're a <race> who appreciates a good profit.

I've built a reputation as a dealer in exotic goods, and I'm about to launch a new venture.

I need a reliable subcontractor to procure the goods from the Celestial Ridge.

First, you'll need to re-energize a teleport pad. There is a spare power pack in Access Shaft Zeon, which is on the south side of Manaforge UItris. The Protectorate is operating in there, so you may be able to follow their tracers to your goal.


This power cell should hold for our purposes. Once the money starts rolling in, we'll improve it even more.

Enough with such things. Every moment spent in discussion translates to lost profit.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Netherstorm

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