Capturing the Keystone - Quêtes

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Capturing the Keystone

Venture into Tempest Keep's Botanica and retrieve the Keystone from Commander Sarannis. Bring it to Archmage Vargoth at the Violet Tower.


It doesn't surprise me that Kael'thas has put the key to this ward in the hands of someone like Commander Sarannis. Prince Kael'thas is a great many things, but he is no simpleton.

In order to break this curse once and for all, you must enter Tempest Keep and claim the keystone.

Only once the keystone has been destroyed will I regain my freedom.


Amazing! From what little I've seen of the fate of Farahlon, I'm not certain I want to go outside, but it's much better than being trapped here for the rest of my days.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 253000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Netherstorm

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