Bloody Vengeance - Quêtes

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Bloody Vengeance

Blow the Unyielding Battle Horn near the Alliance Banner. Kill Urtrak and then return to Althen the Historian at Spinebreaker Post.
Urtrak killed


East of here is an old destroyed Alliance siege tower. Now scavengers loot it for old nails and bits of scrap. Long ago, many Alliance warriors lost their lives at this tower and their banner was captured by Urtrak, a foul orc commander.

Blow the Unyielding battle horn near the Alliance banner. This will get the attention of Urtrak. It may also summon forth warriors who fell in battle long ago.


I am glad to hear that the Unyielding joined you in your battle. I thought they might come to the sound of their own battle horn, but I could not be sure. Perhaps we have given some of them the vengeance they so desperately crave.

You have slain Urtrak and we must report your victory to Commander Hogarth in the Expedition Armory. He will understand the risks you have taken on his behalf.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 19500 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Thrallmar
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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