Make Them Listen - Quêtes

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Make Them Listen

Mordiba wants you to defeat 12 Unyielding Footmen, 8 Unyielding Knights, and 6 Unyielding Sorcerers at the Expedition Armory to the west of Spinebreaker Post.
Unyielding Footman (12) killed
Unyielding Knight (8) killed
Unyielding Sorcerer (6) killed


I was sent here to make contact with the Unyielding spirits. These once proud Alliance soldiers were defeated long ago, and now their cursed spirits haunt the ruins to the west.

If they would only join us we would gain a powerful ally. Imagine, a legion of undying warriors to use against our enemies. But these undead are mad with hatred and will not listen to me.

Perhaps they can be forced to join us.


The Unyielding have felt the strength of the Horde. No doubt they will soon be in the mood to listen to my proposed alliance.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 19500 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Thrallmar
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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