Manaforge B'naar - Quêtes

Manaforge B'naar

Spymaster Thalodien at Area 52 wants you to go to the outskirts of Manaforge B'naar and retrieve the B'naar Personnel Roster from Captain Arathyn.

Completing quests for the Scryers will cause your Aldor reputation level to decrease.


You may have noticed one of Kael's manaforges on your way here. You know, the large purple buildings sucking energy from the sky?

We were sent here by the Sha'tar to investigate them. You can help our information gathering efforts by obtaining a personnel roster. Giving us an idea of who's there and what they do will prove to be invaluable information.

We believe Captain Arathyn, leading a ballista team just outside of Manaforge B'naar, is in possession of one such roster. Obtain it for us.


Excellent! With this roster we can make more educated decisions when targeting Kael's followers at the manaforges.

It's too bad, I was beginning to take a liking to killing his lackeys indiscriminately.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Netherstorm

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