Auchindoun... - Quêtes


Travel to the Auchenai Crypts in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest and slay Exarch Maladaar to free the spirit of D'ore.


Deep within the Auchenai Crypts is a tomb: A tomb unlike any that exists on this shattered realm. It was from this tomb, the first tomb, that the vast mausoleum of Auchindoun was born.

You must venture to the Auchenai Crypts of Auchindoun and find this tomb. Slay the guardian of the crypt to release the captive spirit within. The spirit holds the key...


The memory is vivid, <name>. My energies were wholly drained from the crash. I was only a dim speck of void energies when the Prophet Velen and his draenei compatriots lifted my remains and brought them here. After much ceremony, my diminished form was laid to rest within this sarcophagus. I have been regenerating for nearly a thousand years. The cycle is almost complete...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Shattrath City

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