Disrupt Their Reinforcements - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

Disrupt Their Reinforcements

Defeat enemies around Portal Grimh and Portal Kaalez to gather Demonic Rune Stones.

Use Kingston's Primer inside Portal Grimh and Portal Kaalez.

Return to Forward Commander Kingston with the remaining explosives.


You'll find the Legion front to our northeast, and spaced along it are portals used to gather reinforcements from throughout Outland. We, <name>, are going to destroy those portals!

Take this primer. Designed in Area 52, it uses the demons' own power as an explosive device! Defeat Legion forces around Portals Grimh and Kaalez to gather demonic rune stones, use the primer to detonate the stones inside the portals... then watch the fireworks!!

Go, <name>, and return to me when your mission is complete.


Well done, <name>. Disabling those portals will stem the flow of Legion reinforcements for a long time!

But we can't rest yet...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40000 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Honor Hold
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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