Brother Against Brother - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 69
  • Required Level: 65
  • Difficulté : 65 67 72 77
  • Type : Dungeon
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Isfar
  • End: Isfar

Brother Against Brother

Kill Darkweaver Syth in the Sethekk halls, then free Lakka from captivity. Return to Isfar outside the Sethekk Halls when you've completed the rescue.
Lakka killed


The Sethekk departed Skettis with great fanfare when Auchindoun exploded. Surely it must've been an omen of our master's arrival.

My brother, Syth, was one of their leaders and told us we were obligated to go into the temple ruins and face our god.

After we took up residence in the ruins, calling them the Sethekk Halls, I began to doubt my brother and his ally, Ikiss.

In time, Syth had me cast out of the Halls, but he refused to let me take our sister Lakka with me. Will you help me rescue her?


I can't thank you enough, <name>. Knowing that Lakka is free means I can cut the rest of my ties to the Sethekk.

Part of me will never forgive myself for Syth's death, but it had to be done. When I reach Skettis, I will perform the death rites for him. Perhaps his spirit will find rest once it has atoned for leading our people astray.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 154000 experience.
  • 403 reputation with Lower City
The entirety of this quest happens at Terokkar Forest

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