Unyielding Souls - Quêtes

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Unyielding Souls

Honor Guard Wesilow wants you to defeat 12 Unyielding Footmen, 10 Unyielding Sorcerers, and 5 Unyielding Knights at the Expedition Armory to the south.
Unyielding Footman (12) killed
Unyielding Sorcerer (10) killed
Unyielding Knight (5) killed


Near the end of our invasion, the Armory to the south fell under attack by the Horde's insidious Death Knights. Those vile shades cursed the Armory's defenders - and trapped their souls between the realms of the living and the dead.

Those noble souls must be set free! I beg you, <name>, end my comrades' torment, for I have not the heart to slay them myself.


The Sons appreciate your efforts, even if few are willing to speak of the armory.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 19500 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Honor Hold

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