Speak with Private Weeks - Quêtes

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Speak with Private Weeks

Locate and speak with Private Weeks near the north entrance to Grangol'var Village in Terokkar Forest.


A report's just come in from one of our scouts near Grangol'var Village. He says that a shadowy band has moved into the ruins there.

<name>, I want you to speak with Private Weeks and see how you can assist him to figure out what this unknown group is up to. Just head west past Stonebreaker Hold. His last report puts his position near the north entrance to the village.


It's about time someone came out here. I sent that report to the Allerian Stronghold over a week ago!

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 21000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Terokkar Forest

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