Buzzbox 411 - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 12
  • Required Level: 7
  • Difficulté : 7 10 15 20
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Buzzbox 827
  • End: Buzzbox 411
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome


Buzzbox 411

Collect 3 Thresher Eyes from Darkshore Threshers in the deep sea near Buzzbox 411.


A tiny voice crackles from deep within the machine.

"Wizbang here! The next Buzzbox is north of Auberdine, on the beach

So, that Buzzbox is number 411 and it needs 3 Thresher Eyes for its repairs. They're just off the coast! The darkshore threshers... *Hic*... Sorry about that...

Just like last time, when you give the Buzzbox the goods, it'll spit out your reward. *Hic*... What? No, I'm fine!"


The Buzzbox hums to life soon after you place the Thresher Eyes inside. There is a moment of static before you hear a familiar tiny voice call out.

"Crawler wine is the best..." *hic*

"What? Oh, you fixed it already? Wow, you're a fasht one. Sho, would ya like to fix another?"

You believe you hear a liquid being poured into a cup, followed by loud gulping sounds.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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