Panzor the Invincible - NPC

Panzor the Invincible

Informations générales

The location of this NPC is unknown.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Essence of the Elements 1 Quest 80 %
A Crumpled Up Note 50 Quest 25 %
Solid Stone 35 Trade Goods 16 %
Deeprock Salt 40 Trade Goods 12 %
Dark Iron Residue 1 Junk 11 %
Dark Iron Ore 50 Trade Goods 6 %
Dark Iron Scraps 1 Junk 5 %
Stone of the Earth 56 Two-Handed Swords
Rock Golem Bulwark 58 Shields
Shalehusk Boots 58 Plate
Soot Encrusted Footwear 56 Cloth

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