Entropius - NPC


Informations générales

  • Level 73
  • Rank: Boss
  • Faction: Monster
  • Demon
  • Life: 2050000
The location of this NPC is unknown.

Show the 3 comments

Name ILVL Type % Loot
Essence of the Immortals 70 Junk 100 %
Badge of Justice 70 Junk 100 %
Sunmote 70 Other 40 %
Crimson Spinel 70 Intellect 33 %
Empyrean Sapphire 70 Blue 33 %
Lionseye 70 Yellow 33 %
Pyrestone 70 Green 33 %
Granite Ring 62 Miscellaneous 33 %
Seaspray Emerald 70 Green 33 %
Shadowsong Amethyst 70 Purple 33 %
Vicious Hawkstrider Hauberk 159 Mail 5.88 %
Harness of Carnal Instinct 159 Leather 5.88 %
Garments of Serene Shores 159 Mail 5.88 %
Shadowed Gauntlets of Paroxysm 159 Leather 5.88 %
Aegis of Angelic Fortune 154 Shields 5.88 %
Robes of Faltered Light 154 Cloth 5.88 %
Gauntlets of the Soothed Soul 159 Plate 5.88 %
Heroic Judicator's Chestguard 159 Plate 5.88 %
Warharness of Reckless Fury 159 Plate 5.88 %
Shifting Naaru Sliver 154 Miscellaneous 5.88 %
Ring of Hardened Resolve 154 Miscellaneous 5.88 %
Fel Conquerer Raiments 159 Cloth 5.88 %
Ring of Omnipotence 154 Miscellaneous 5.88 %
Muramasa 154 One-Handed Swords 5.88 %
Blackened Naaru Sliver 154 Miscellaneous 5.88 %
Glimmering Naaru Sliver 154 Miscellaneous 5.88 %
Steely Naaru Sliver 154 Miscellaneous 5.88 %
Steely Naaru Sliver 154 Miscellaneous
Blackened Naaru Sliver 154 Miscellaneous
Shifting Naaru Sliver 154 Miscellaneous
Sin'dorei Band of Salvation 141 Miscellaneous
Sin'dorei Band of Triumph 141 Miscellaneous
Sin'dorei Band of Dominance 141 Miscellaneous
Glimmering Naaru Sliver 154 Miscellaneous

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