Harbinger Skyriss - NPC

Harbinger Skyriss

Informations générales

  • Level 72
  • Rank: Elite
  • Faction: Monster
  • Not specified
  • Life: 194799
The location of this NPC is unknown.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Bloodfist Epaulets 111 Plate 100 %
Ace of Blessings 1 Quest 10 %
Ace of Furies 1 Quest 10 %
Ace of Storms 1 Quest 10 %
Dragonfin Filet 80 Bandages 10 %
Ace of Lunacy 1 Quest 10 %
Tidefury Chestpiece 115 Mail 8.33 %
Doomplate Chestguard 115 Plate 8.33 %
Helm of Assassination 115 Leather 8.33 %
Breastplate of the Bold 115 Plate 8.33 %
Hallowed Crown 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Elementium Band of the Sentry 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Hungering Spineripper 115 Daggers 8.33 %
Lamp of Peaceful Radiance 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Shiffar's Nexus-Horn 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Sigil-Laced Boots 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Choker of Fluid Thought 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Hood of Oblivion 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Primal Nether 65 Materials 7 %
Name ILVL Type % Loot
The Scroll of Skyriss 1 Quest 100 %
Badge of Justice 70 Junk 100 %
Bloodfist Vambraces 111 Plate 100 %
Primal Nether 65 Materials 100 %
Bloodfist Epaulets 111 Plate 100 %
Deadly Fire Opal 70 Green 33.33 %
Durable Fire Opal 70 Green 33.33 %
Nimble Fire Opal 70 Green 33.33 %
Shadowstep Striders 110 Leather 25 %
Vileblade of the Betrayer 105 Daggers 25 %
Belt of Depravity 110 Cloth 25 %
Bracers of Dignity 110 Plate 25 %
Ace of Storms 1 Quest 10 %
Ace of Blessings 1 Quest 10 %
Ace of Furies 1 Quest 10 %
Dragonfin Filet 80 Bandages 10 %
Ace of Lunacy 1 Quest 10 %
Tidefury Chestpiece 115 Mail 8.33 %
Breastplate of the Bold 115 Plate 8.33 %
Doomplate Chestguard 115 Plate 8.33 %
Helm of Assassination 115 Leather 8.33 %
Elementium Band of the Sentry 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Lamp of Peaceful Radiance 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Hungering Spineripper 115 Daggers 8.33 %
Shiffar's Nexus-Horn 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Choker of Fluid Thought 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Hallowed Crown 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Sigil-Laced Boots 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Hood of Oblivion 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Name ILVL Type % Loot

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