Terestian Illhoof - NPC

Terestian Illhoof

Informations générales

  • Level 70
  • Rank: Boss
  • Faction: Monster
  • Demon
  • Life: 489020
This NPC can be found in Karazhan.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Badge of Justice 70 Junk 100 %
Path of Brew 25 Consumable 100 %
Gilded Thorium Cloak 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Cord of Nature's Sustenance 115 Leather 8.33 %
Breastplate of the Lightbinder 115 Plate 8.33 %
Xavian Stiletto 115 Thrown 8.33 %
Malefic Girdle 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Girdle of the Prowler 115 Mail 8.33 %
Cincture of Will 115 Cloth 8.33 %
Fool's Bane 115 One-Handed Maces 8.33 %
Terestian's Stranglestaff 115 Staves 8.33 %
Mender's Heart-Ring 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Shadowvine Cloak of Infusion 115 Cloth 8.33 %
The Lightning Capacitor 115 Miscellaneous 8.33 %
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost 75 Enchanting 5 %

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