Deeprock Salt - Objets

Deeprock Salt

Deeprock Salt
Item Level 40
Loot from Rock Elemental
Max Stack: 20
Buy Price: 100
Sell Price: 250

More details

  • Type: Trade Goods
Name Level Required Level Faction
Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops 60 60 Alliance & Horde
The Hero of the Day 60 40 Alliance
The Hero of the Day 60 40 Horde
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Garr 63 - 63 1 - 12 Molten Core 30%
Setis 61 - 61 1 - 1 Silithus 24.49%
Infernal Bodyguard 53 - 54 1 - 1 24.05%
Faulty War Golem 46 - 46 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 24.03%
Thenan 42 - 42 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 23.9%
Obsidian Elemental 51 - 53 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 23.18%
Greater Obsidian Elemental 55 - 57 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 22.75%
Rumbling Exile 38 - 39 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 22.61%
Immolatus 56 - 56 1 - 1 Felwood 22.6%
Elemental Slave 33 - 34 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 22.46%
Elemental Slave 33 - 34 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 22.46%
Lesser Rock Elemental 37 - 39 1 - 1 Badlands 22.3%
Rock Elemental 39 - 40 1 - 1 Badlands 22%
Rock Elemental 39 - 40 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 22%
Rock Elemental 39 - 40 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 22%
Enraged Rock Elemental 42 - 43 1 - 1 Badlands 21.76%
Greater Rock Elemental 42 - 44 1 - 1 Badlands 21.3%
Greater Rock Elemental 42 - 44 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 21.3%
Greater Rock Elemental 42 - 44 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 21.3%
Cliff Thunderer 53 - 54 1 - 1 Azshara 20.8%
Desert Rumbler 56 - 58 1 - 1 Silithus 20.73%
Smoldar 50 - 50 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 20.65%
Stone Golem 38 - 39 1 - 1 Badlands 20.64%
Stone Keeper 40 - 40 1 - 1 20.63%
Thundering Invader 55 - 57 1 - 1 20.55%
Stone Guardian 60 - 61 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 20.42%
War Reaver 53 - 55 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 20.33%
Tempered War Golem 45 - 47 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 20.22%
Ground Pounder 41 - 43 1 - 1 Tanaris 20.22%
War Golem 36 - 36 1 - 1 Badlands 20.16%
Zapped Cliff Giant 49 - 50 1 - 1 20.12%
Primordial Behemoth 47 - 47 1 - 1 19.96%
Stone Steward 39 - 39 1 - 1 19.93%
Cliff Breaker 54 - 55 1 - 1 Azshara 19.81%
Vault Warder 39 - 39 1 - 1 19.78%
Desert Rager 59 - 59 1 - 1 Silithus 19.73%
Heavy War Golem 47 - 49 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 19.62%
Theradrim Shardling 45 - 45 1 - 1 19.55%
Brutus 43 - 43 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 19.48%
Cliff Giant 50 - 50 1 - 1 Feralas 19.46%
Wrath Hammer Construct 54 - 54 1 - 1 19.44%
Land Rager 45 - 47 1 - 1 Tanaris 19.41%
Dune Smasher 48 - 48 1 - 1 Tanaris 19.38%
Obsidian Sentinel 40 - 40 1 - 1 19.13%
Ambershard Destroyer 42 - 43 1 - 1 Desolace 19.03%
Stone Fury 37 - 37 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 19%
Obsidian Golem 37 - 37 1 - 1 Badlands 18.99%
Obsidian Golem 37 - 37 1 - 1 Loch Modan 18.99%
Infernal Sentry 52 - 53 1 - 1 Felwood 18.84%
Zapped Land Walker 48 - 49 1 - 1 18.82%
Molten War Golem 55 - 55 1 - 1 18.74%
Ragereaver Golem 54 - 54 1 - 1 18.68%
Siege Golem 40 - 40 1 - 1 Badlands 18.64%
Warbringer Construct 53 - 54 1 - 1 18.46%
Raging Dune Smasher 49 - 49 1 - 1 18.33%
Cliff Walker 53 - 53 1 - 1 Azshara 18.03%
Lava Reaver 62 - 63 1 - 1 17.95%
Ambershard Crusher 40 - 41 1 - 1 Desolace 17.93%
Lava Surger 61 - 62 1 - 1 17.87%
Fam'retor Guardian 45 - 45 1 - 1 Badlands 17.61%
Land Walker 48 - 48 1 - 1 Feralas 17.21%
Grimungous 50 - 50 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 17.14%
Avalanchion 58 - 58 1 - 1 17.14%
Theradrim Guardian 46 - 47 1 - 1 16.82%
Monnos the Elder 54 - 54 1 - 1 Azshara 16.48%
Anathemus 45 - 45 1 - 1 Badlands 16.24%
Fozruk 42 - 42 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 16.2%
Myzrael 44 - 44 1 - 1 16.2%
Malfunctioning Reaver 56 - 56 1 - 1 16.1%
Lava Annihilator 61 - 62 1 - 1 15.41%
Lava Elemental 61 - 62 1 - 1 15.17%
Shadowshard Rumbler 40 - 41 1 - 1 Desolace 14.9%
Rumbler 45 - 45 1 - 1 Badlands 14.68%
Obsidion 46 - 46 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 13.28%
Princess Theradras 48 - 48 1 - 1 Maraudon 13%
Ancient Stone Keeper 40 - 40 1 - 1 Uldaman 12%
Ironaya 39 - 39 1 - 1 Uldaman 12%
Panzor the Invincible 56 - 56 1 - 1 12%
Lord Roccor 51 - 51 1 - 1 Blackrock Depths 12%
Phalanx 55 - 55 1 - 1 Blackrock Depths 12%
Shadowshard Smasher 41 - 42 1 - 1 Desolace 11.69%
Archaedas 40 - 40 1 - 1 Uldaman 11%
Landslide 48 - 48 1 - 1 Maraudon 10%
Gordok Warlock 59 - 60 1 - 1 0.04%
Gordok Bushwacker 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.03%
Gordok Reaver 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%

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