Plans: Heavy Mithril Pants - Objets

Plans: Heavy Mithril Pants

Plans: Heavy Mithril Pants
Item Level 42
Buy Price: 600
Sell Price: 150

More details

  • Type: Recipe
  • Consumable
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Balzaphon 60 - 60 1 0.5%
Lord Blackwood 60 - 60 1 0.5%
Lord Aliden Perenolde 41 - 41 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.28%
Slave Master Blackheart 50 - 50 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.2%
Elder Murk Thresher 37 - 38 1 - 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.18%
Anathemus 45 - 45 1 - 1 Badlands 0.18%
Hematus 50 - 50 1 - 1 Loch Modan 0.14%
Hematus 50 - 50 1 - 1 Gates of Ironforge 0.14%
Hematus 50 - 50 1 - 1 Badlands 0.14%
Narillasanz 44 - 44 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.12%
Narillasanz 44 - 44 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.12%
Murta Grimgut 44 - 44 1 - 1 0.12%
Magra 43 - 43 1 - 1 0.12%
Mosh'Ogg Lord 45 - 45 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.1%
Caretaker Alaric 41 - 41 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.1%
Mug'thol 43 - 43 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.06%
Captain Stillwater 42 - 42 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.06%
Rabid Crag Coyote 42 - 43 1 - 1 Badlands 0.06%
Sandfury Firecaller 43 - 44 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.06%
Earthen Sculptor 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.06%
Zul'Farrak Zombie 43 - 44 1 - 1 0.06%
Rock Worm 41 - 42 1 - 1 Desolace 0.06%
Putridus Trickster 43 - 43 1 - 1 0.06%
Deeprot Stomper 42 - 43 1 - 1 0.06%
Highland Thrasher 33 - 34 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.06%
Sandfury Blood Drinker 44 - 45 1 - 1 0.05%
Hakkari Frostwing 48 - 49 1 - 1 0.05%
Elder Dragonkin 45 - 45 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.04%
Stonard Scout 36 - 37 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.04%
Boulderfist Lord 39 - 40 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.04%
Otto 38 - 38 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.04%
Witherbark Venomblood 43 - 43 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.04%
Gelkis Mauler 35 - 36 1 - 1 Desolace 0.04%
Stonevault Brawler 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.04%
Enthralled Atal'ai 45 - 46 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.04%
Land Rager 45 - 47 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.04%
Sandfury Witch Doctor 44 - 45 1 - 1 0.04%
Margol the Rager 43 - 43 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.04%
Skeletal Frostweaver 35 - 36 1 - 1 0.04%
Splinterbone Captain 36 - 36 1 - 1 0.04%
Hakkari Sapper 48 - 49 1 - 1 0.04%
Nightmare Suppressor 49 - 49 1 - 1 0.04%
Gusting Vortex 43 - 45 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.04%
Shadowshard Smasher 41 - 42 1 - 1 Desolace 0.04%
Putridus Satyr 42 - 43 1 - 1 0.04%
Putridus Shadowstalker 42 - 43 1 - 1 0.04%
Barbed Lasher 45 - 45 1 - 1 0.04%
Acidic Swamp Ooze 39 - 41 1 - 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.04%
Bloodfen Razormaw 39 - 39 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.03%
Bloodfen Razormaw 39 - 39 1 - 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.03%
Noboru the Cudgel 39 - 39 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.03%
Fungal Ooze 46 - 46 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.03%
Anvilrage Enforcer 49 - 50 1 - 1 0.02%
Bloodscalp Berserker 36 - 37 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Skullsplitter Warrior 39 - 40 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Skullsplitter Hunter 41 - 42 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Bloodscalp Headhunter 36 - 37 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Venture Co. Strip Miner 40 - 41 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Venture Co. Tinkerer 40 - 41 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Mosh'Ogg Mauler 43 - 44 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Lashtail Raptor 35 - 36 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Jungle Stalker 40 - 41 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Cold Eye Basilisk 39 - 40 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Lesser Water Elemental 36 - 37 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Skullsplitter Axe Thrower 39 - 40 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Mosh'Ogg Warmonger 41 - 42 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Mosh'Ogg Spellcrafter 43 - 44 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Sin'Dall 37 - 37 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Wyrmkin Dreamwalker 42 - 43 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Scalebane Captain 43 - 44 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Marsh Inkspewer 42 - 43 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Marsh Inkspewer 42 - 43 1 - 1 Blasted Lands 0.02%
Marsh Flesheater 43 - 44 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Marsh Flesheater 43 - 44 1 - 1 Blasted Lands 0.02%
Lost One Fisherman 35 - 36 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Lost One Hunter 36 - 37 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Swamp Jaguar 36 - 37 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Deathstrike Tarantula 40 - 41 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Stranglethorn Tigress 37 - 38 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Skullsplitter Headhunter 43 - 44 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Skullsplitter Berserker 43 - 44 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Young Jungle Stalker 36 - 37 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Sorrow Spinner 36 - 37 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Saltscale Oracle 36 - 37 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Silt Crawler 40 - 41 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Kurzen Elite 36 - 37 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Kurzen Witch Doctor 36 - 37 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Elder Shadowmaw Panther 42 - 43 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Skeletal Flayer 50 - 51 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Slavering Ghoul 50 - 52 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Carrion Vulture 50 - 52 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Carrion Vulture 50 - 52 1 - 1 Tirisfal Glades 0.02%
Venom Mist Lurker 50 - 51 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Venom Mist Lurker 50 - 51 1 - 1 Tirisfal Glades 0.02%
Naga Explorer 43 - 44 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Crushridge Brute 35 - 36 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.02%
Crushridge Brute 35 - 36 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.02%
Crushridge Mauler 36 - 37 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.02%
Crushridge Mage 37 - 38 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.02%
Crushridge Enforcer 38 - 39 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.02%
Crushridge Enforcer 38 - 39 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.02%
Crushridge Warmonger 39 - 40 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.02%
Crushridge Warmonger 39 - 40 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.02%
Grel'borg the Miser 39 - 39 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 0.02%
Saltwater Snapjaw 44 - 50 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Garr Salthoof 42 - 42 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Witherbark Berserker 36 - 37 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Highland Fleshstalker 36 - 37 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Giant Plains Creeper 35 - 36 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Boulderfist Brute 35 - 36 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Boulderfist Magus 36 - 37 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Boulderfist Mauler 37 - 38 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Boulderfist Shaman 38 - 39 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Drywhisker Surveyor 37 - 38 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Drywhisker Digger 36 - 37 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Stromgarde Defender 37 - 38 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Syndicate Prowler 36 - 37 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Syndicate Conjuror 35 - 36 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Rumbling Exile 38 - 39 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Daggerspine Raider 38 - 39 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Witch Doctor 46 - 47 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Headhunter 46 - 47 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Shadowcaster 47 - 48 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Berserker 47 - 48 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Hideskinner 48 - 49 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Shadow Hunter 48 - 49 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Aman'zasi Guard 50 - 51 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Witherbark Scalper 40 - 41 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Witherbark Zealot 41 - 42 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Witherbark Hideskinner 42 - 43 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Witherbark Sadist 44 - 45 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Green Sludge 46 - 47 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Jade Ooze 47 - 48 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Trained Razorbeak 40 - 42 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Wolf Pup 46 - 47 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Witherbark Broodguard 44 - 45 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Highvale Outrunner 43 - 44 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Highvale Scout 44 - 45 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Highvale Ranger 46 - 47 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Dustbelcher Mauler 41 - 41 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Dustbelcher Shaman 42 - 42 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Dustbelcher Lord 44 - 45 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Dustbelcher Lord 44 - 45 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Dustbelcher Ogre Mage 43 - 44 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Dustbelcher Ogre Mage 43 - 44 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Stone Golem 38 - 39 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Scalding Whelp 41 - 43 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Scorched Guardian 43 - 45 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Elder Crag Coyote 39 - 40 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Ridge Stalker 36 - 37 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Ridge Huntress 38 - 39 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Ridge Stalker Patriarch 40 - 41 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Lesser Rock Elemental 37 - 39 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Greater Rock Elemental 42 - 44 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Greater Rock Elemental 42 - 44 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Greater Rock Elemental 42 - 44 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Shadowforge Chanter 38 - 39 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Burning Exile 38 - 39 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Cresting Exile 38 - 39 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 0.02%
Enraged Rock Elemental 42 - 43 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Giant Buzzard 39 - 41 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Stonevault Shaman 40 - 41 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Dustbelcher Mystic 37 - 37 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Mangy Silvermane 41 - 42 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Silvermane Wolf 43 - 44 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Silvermane Howler 45 - 46 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Silvermane Stalker 47 - 48 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vicious Owlbeast 42 - 43 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Primitive Owlbeast 44 - 45 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Scarlet Soldier 35 - 35 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Evoker 35 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Guardsman 35 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Protector 35 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Sorcerer 37 - 38 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Myrmidon 36 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Conjuror 35 - 35 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Defender 36 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Chaplain 34 - 34 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Wizard 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Centurion 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Champion 39 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Abbot 39 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Vilebranch Warrior 45 - 46 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Vilebranch Scalper 46 - 47 1 - 1 The Hinterlands 0.02%
Bloodsail Deckhand 41 - 42 1 - 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.02%
Scarlet Monk 34 - 34 1 - 1 0.02%
Magram Marauder 35 - 36 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Maraudine Wrangler 37 - 38 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Magram Bonepaw 37 - 38 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Lesser Infernal 36 - 37 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Doomwarder 37 - 38 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Doomwarder Captain 38 - 39 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Dying Kodo 35 - 36 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Elder Thunder Lizard 37 - 38 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Elder Thunder Lizard 37 - 38 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk 35 - 36 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Shadowforge Surveyor 35 - 36 1 - 1 Loch Modan 0.02%
Shadowforge Surveyor 35 - 36 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Shadowforge Ruffian 35 - 36 1 - 1 Loch Modan 0.02%
Shadowforge Ruffian 35 - 36 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Shadowforge Digger 35 - 36 1 - 1 Loch Modan 0.02%
Shadowforge Digger 35 - 36 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Shadowforge Darkcaster 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Shadowforge Archaeologist 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Stonevault Cave Lurker 37 - 38 1 - 1 0.02%
Stonevault Rockchewer 36 - 37 1 - 1 Uldaman 0.02%
Stonevault Rockchewer 36 - 37 1 - 1 Loch Modan 0.02%
Stonevault Oracle 37 - 37 1 - 1 0.02%
Stonevault Geomancer 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Stonevault Cave Hunter 36 - 37 1 - 1 Loch Modan 0.02%
Stone Keeper 40 - 40 1 - 1 0.02%
Stone Steward 39 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Shrike Bat 37 - 38 1 - 1 0.02%
Jadespine Basilisk 37 - 38 1 - 1 0.02%
Murk Slitherer 45 - 46 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Murk Worm 47 - 48 1 - 1 0.02%
Saturated Ooze 47 - 48 1 - 1 0.02%
Gordunni Ogre 40 - 41 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Gordunni Brute 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Gordunni Mauler 43 - 44 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Gordunni Shaman 44 - 45 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Gordunni Ogre Mage 41 - 42 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Gordunni Battlemaster 45 - 46 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Gordunni Warlock 43 - 44 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Cursed Atal'ai 45 - 46 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Zukk'ash Wasp 44 - 45 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Zukk'ash Worker 44 - 45 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Woodpaw Mongrel 40 - 41 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Woodpaw Trapper 41 - 42 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Woodpaw Brute 41 - 42 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Woodpaw Mystic 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Woodpaw Reaver 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Atal'ai Warrior 48 - 48 1 - 1 0.02%
Atal'ai Witch Doctor 47 - 48 1 - 1 0.02%
Groddoc Ape 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Mummified Atal'ai 46 - 47 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Mummified Atal'ai 46 - 47 1 - 1 Sunken Temple 0.02%
Unliving Atal'ai 47 - 48 1 - 1 0.02%
Ironfur Bear 41 - 42 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Ironfur Bear 41 - 42 1 - 1 Thousand Needles 0.02%
Atal'ai Priest 46 - 46 1 - 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.02%
Atal'ai Priest 46 - 46 1 - 1 Sunken Temple 0.02%
Atal'ai Corpse Eater 48 - 48 1 - 1 0.02%
Atal'ai Deathwalker 48 - 49 1 - 1 0.02%
Grizzled Ironfur Bear 44 - 45 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Nightmare Scalebane 49 - 49 1 - 1 0.02%
Sprite Darter 43 - 45 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Nightmare Wyrmkin 48 - 49 1 - 1 0.02%
Nightmare Wanderer 48 - 49 1 - 1 0.02%
Longtooth Runner 40 - 41 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Longtooth Runner 40 - 41 1 - 1 Thousand Needles 0.02%
Feral Scar Yeti 43 - 44 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Hulking Feral Scar 45 - 46 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Enraged Feral Scar 44 - 45 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Frayfeather Hippogryph 43 - 44 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Frayfeather Stagwing 44 - 45 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Frayfeather Skystormer 45 - 46 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Vale Screecher 41 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Hatecrest Warrior 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Hatecrest Wave Rider 41 - 41 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Hatecrest Serpent Guard 44 - 45 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Hatecrest Myrmidon 43 - 44 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Hatecrest Screamer 41 - 42 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Hatecrest Sorceress 43 - 44 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Hatecrest Siren 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Northspring Harpy 48 - 49 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Northspring Slayer 49 - 50 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Glasshide Basilisk 42 - 43 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Glasshide Gazer 45 - 46 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Glasshide Petrifier 48 - 49 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Scorpid Hunter 40 - 41 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Scorpid Tail Lasher 43 - 44 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Starving Blisterpaw 41 - 42 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Blisterpaw Hyena 44 - 45 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Rabid Blisterpaw 47 - 48 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Rabid Blisterpaw 47 - 48 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Fire Roc 43 - 45 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Giant Surf Glider 48 - 50 1 - 1 0.02%
Hazzali Tunneler 48 - 49 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Centipaar Stinger 48 - 49 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Centipaar Stinger 48 - 49 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Centipaar Swarmer 49 - 50 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Centipaar Swarmer 49 - 50 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Centipaar Tunneler 47 - 48 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Sea Elemental 48 - 49 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Dunemaul Ogre 45 - 46 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Dunemaul Enforcer 46 - 47 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Dunemaul Brute 47 - 48 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Dunemaul Warlock 47 - 48 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Thistleshrub Dew Collector 47 - 48 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Thistleshrub Rootshaper 49 - 50 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Gnarled Thistleshrub 48 - 49 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Wastewander Rogue 43 - 44 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Wastewander Thief 40 - 41 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Wastewander Bandit 41 - 42 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Wastewander Assassin 44 - 45 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Sandfury Hideskinner 42 - 43 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Sandfury Axe Thrower 42 - 44 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Sandfury Shadowcaster 43 - 44 1 - 1 0.02%
Dark Iron Geologist 43 - 44 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Slave Worker 45 - 47 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Dark Iron Slaver 45 - 46 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Dark Iron Taskmaster 47 - 48 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Inferno Elemental 47 - 49 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Tempered War Golem 45 - 47 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Heavy War Golem 47 - 49 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Magma Elemental 46 - 48 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Glassweb Spider 43 - 45 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Searing Lava Spider 45 - 47 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Greater Lava Spider 47 - 49 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Twilight Dark Shaman 43 - 44 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Twilight Fire Guard 44 - 46 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Starving Snickerfang 45 - 46 1 - 1 Blasted Lands 0.02%
Highborne Apparition 45 - 46 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Highborne Lichling 46 - 47 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Haldarr Satyr 45 - 46 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Timbermaw Warrior 47 - 48 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Spitelash Serpent Guard 48 - 49 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Thunderhead Hippogryph 46 - 48 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Thunderhead Hippogryph 46 - 48 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Thunderhead Stagwing 48 - 50 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Ravasaur 48 - 49 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Bloodpetal Lasher 48 - 49 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Stonevault Basher 37 - 38 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Earthen Rocksmasher 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Venomlash Scorpid 37 - 38 1 - 1 0.02%
Obsidian Sentinel 40 - 40 1 - 1 0.02%
Firegut Ogre 50 - 51 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Cleft Scorpid 36 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Cursed Ooze 49 - 50 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Jadefire Satyr 49 - 49 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Jadefire Felsworn 50 - 51 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Jaedenar Guardian 50 - 51 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Deadwood Warrior 48 - 49 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Deadwood Gardener 48 - 49 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Deadwood Pathfinder 49 - 50 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Sandfury Shadowhunter 43 - 44 1 - 1 0.02%
Sandfury Soul Eater 44 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Sandfury Guardian 45 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarab 44 - 44 1 - 1 0.02%
Sandfury Executioner 46 - 46 1 - 1 0.02%
Zul'Farrak Dead Hero 45 - 46 1 - 1 0.02%
Stonevault Mauler 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Stonevault Flameweaver 38 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Withered Reaver 35 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Withered Quilguard 35 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Battle Boar Horror 36 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Thorn Eater Ghoul 35 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Tomb Reaver 36 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Freezing Spirit 36 - 36 1 - 1 0.02%
Earthen Stonebreaker 39 - 39 1 - 1 0.02%
Deadly Cleft Scorpid 37 - 38 1 - 1 0.02%
Wandering Forest Walker 44 - 46 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Raven 44 - 44 1 - 1 0.02%
Grimtotem Raider 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Grimtotem Naturalist 41 - 42 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Grimtotem Shaman 43 - 44 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Sandfury Cretin 43 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Nekrum Gutchewer 45 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Southsea Pirate 44 - 45 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Southsea Freebooter 44 - 45 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Southsea Dock Worker 44 - 45 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Southsea Swashbuckler 44 - 45 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler 46 - 47 1 - 1 0.02%
Slime Maggot 45 - 46 1 - 1 0.02%
Atal'ai Slave 46 - 47 1 - 1 0.02%
Nightmare Whelp 48 - 48 1 - 1 0.02%
Hakkari Bloodkeeper 49 - 49 1 - 1 0.02%
Dark Iron Watchman 44 - 45 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Felbeast 50 - 51 1 - 1 Blasted Lands 0.02%
Anvilrage Overseer 48 - 49 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Warden 49 - 50 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Guardsman 50 - 51 1 - 1 0.02%
Fireguard 50 - 52 1 - 1 0.02%
Twilight's Hammer Torturer 50 - 51 1 - 1 0.02%
Bloodhound 49 - 50 1 - 1 0.02%
Angerclaw Mauler 49 - 50 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Felpaw Wolf 47 - 48 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Felpaw Scavenger 49 - 50 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Young Diemetradon 49 - 50 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Fledgling Pterrordax 48 - 50 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Pterrordax 50 - 52 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Incendosaur 47 - 49 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Lar'korwi Mate 50 - 50 1 - 1 0.02%
Alterac Ram 60 - 61 1 - 1 Alterac Valley 0.02%
Gordok Enforcer 53 - 54 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Gordok Ogre-Mage 52 - 53 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Undead Ravager 37 - 38 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Maraudine Priest 40 - 40 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Ghostly Raider 40 - 40 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Ghostly Marauder 42 - 42 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Shadowshard Rumbler 40 - 41 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Ambershard Crusher 40 - 41 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Ambershard Destroyer 42 - 43 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Theradrim Shardling 45 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Ambereye Basilisk 40 - 41 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Ambereye Reaver 41 - 42 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Rock Borer 40 - 41 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Deep Borer 46 - 47 1 - 1 0.02%
Celebrian Dryad 45 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Sister of Celebras 45 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Primordial Behemoth 47 - 47 1 - 1 0.02%
Thessala Hydra 46 - 47 1 - 1 0.02%
Poison Sprite 42 - 42 1 - 1 0.02%
Corruptor 42 - 42 1 - 1 0.02%
Vile Larva 44 - 44 1 - 1 0.02%
Constrictor Vine 44 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Noxious Slime 43 - 44 1 - 1 0.02%
Creeping Sludge 43 - 44 1 - 1 0.02%
Cavern Lurker 44 - 45 1 - 1 0.02%
Deeprot Tangler 43 - 43 1 - 1 0.02%
Subterranean Diemetradon 46 - 47 1 - 1 0.02%
The Nameless Prophet 41 - 41 1 - 1 Desolace 0.02%
Steeljaw Snapper 42 - 43 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Zapped Wave Strider 47 - 47 1 - 1 0.02%
Syndicate Thief 36 - 37 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Taskmaster 48 - 49 1 - 1 0.02%
Broken Tooth 37 - 37 1 - 1 Badlands 0.02%
Firemane Ash Tail 40 - 41 1 - 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.01%

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