Chestplate of Unspoken Truths - Objets

Chestplate of Unspoken Truths

Chestplate of Unspoken Truths
Item Level 264
Bind on pickup
2641 Armor
+123 Stamina
+123 Intellect
Red Socket
Yellow Socket
Blue Socket
Socket bonus: +9 Spell Power
Durability 165 /165
Requires Level 80
Equip: Increases spell power by 162.
Equip: Increases your critical strike 100.
Buy Price: 935137
Sell Price: 187027

More details

  • Can be disenchanted
  • Type: Armor
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Magister Arlan
Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
80 - 80 Dalaran 935137
Arcanist Uovril
Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
80 - 80 Dalaran 935137
Goodman the "Closer"
Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
80 - 80 Icecrown Citadel 935137

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