Starleaf Seed - Objets

Starleaf Seed

Starleaf Seed
Item Level 79
Max Stack: 20
Buy Price: 700
Sell Price: 1750

More details

  • Type: Miscellaneous
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Maethor Skyshadow
Poison & Reagents
65 - 65 700
Helen Fairchild
71 - 71 700
Poison & Reagents
65 - 65 700
Mystic Makittuq
Poison & Reagents
73 - 73 700
Poison & Reagents
65 - 65 700
Alchemist Karloff
Corpse Dust Vendor
56 - 56 700
Reagents & Magical Goods
75 - 75 700
Chief Engineer Boltwrench 80 - 80 700
Adventurous Tinker
80 - 80 700
Drix Blackwrench
The Fixer
80 - 80 700
Demolisher Engineer Blastwrench
80 - 80 700
Julie Osworth
75 - 75 700
Stormpike Quartermaster 55 - 55 Alterac Valley 700
Frostwolf Quartermaster 55 - 55 Alterac Valley 700
Supply Master Taz'ishi
Poison & Reagents
70 - 70 Borean Tundra 700
69 - 69 Borean Tundra 700
Apprentice Rosen
Reagent Supplies
72 - 72 Borean Tundra 700
Alanura Firecloud
Poisons & Reagents
80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest 700
Miura Brightweaver
Poisons & Reagents
80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest 700
Supply Officer Thalmers
Poisons, Reagents & Trade Supplies
77 - 77 Crystalsong Forest 700
Quartermaster Vaskess
80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest 700
Ildine Sorrowspear
Enchanting Supplies
75 - 75 Dalaran 700
Hagatha Moorehead
Reagent Merchant
75 - 75 Dalaran 700
Alys Vol'tyr
Reagents & Enchanting Supplies
73 - 73 Dragonblight 700
Bradley Towns
Reagents & Enchanting Supplies
73 - 73 Dragonblight 700
Lexey Brevig
Reagents & Enchanting Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 700
Reagents & Enchanting Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 700
Reagent Supplies
72 - 72 Dragonblight 700
Balfour Blackblade
Reagents and Poisons
75 - 75 Grizzly Hills 700
Sanut Swiftspear
Reagents and Poisons
74 - 74 Grizzly Hills 700
Seer Yagnar
Poison & Reagents
69 - 69 Grizzly Hills 700
Celina Summers
Reagents and Poisons
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 700
Jessica Evans
Reagents and Poisons
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 700
Stephan Franks
Reagent Supplies
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 700
Initiate Roderick
Poisons & Reagents
80 - 80 Icecrown 700
Sarhule the Risen
80 - 80 Icecrown 700
Chief Engineer Copperclaw 80 - 80 Icecrown 700
Shaman Partak
Reagents & Poisons
78 - 78 Sholazar Basin 700
Reagents & Poisons
78 - 78 Sholazar Basin 700
Nilika Blastbeaker
Poisons, Reagents & Alchemical Supplies
78 - 78 The Storm Peaks 700
Corig the Cunning
Poisons & Reagents
79 - 79 The Storm Peaks 700
Apothecary Maple
Poisons & Reagents
79 - 79 The Storm Peaks 700
Poisons & Reagents
79 - 79 The Storm Peaks 700
Hapanu Coldwind
Poisons & Reagents
79 - 79 The Storm Peaks 700
Fylla Ingadottir
Poisons & Reagents
80 - 80 The Storm Peaks 700
Vincent Huber
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 700
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 700
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 700

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