Design: Sovereign Twilight Opal - Objets

Design: Sovereign Twilight Opal

Design: Sovereign Twilight Opal
Item Level 80
Teaches you how to cut a Sovereign Twilight Opal
Buy Price: 16
Sell Price: 4

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  • Type: Recipe
  • Consumable

Show the 1 comments

Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Mo'arg Engineer 67 - 68 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.09%
Windroc 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.4%
Greater Windroc 66 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 12.5%
Greater Windroc 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 12.5%
Talbuk Stag 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.5%
Talbuk Thorngrazer 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.2%
Talbuk Thorngrazer 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 7.2%
Clefthoof Bull 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.6%
Aged Clefthoof 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.9%
Boulderfist Crusher 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 18.3%
Boulderfist Mystic 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.8%
Boulderfist Warrior 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 8.7%
Boulderfist Mage 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.3%
Warmaul Reaver 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.2%
Warmaul Reaver 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 2.2%
Windyreed Scavenger 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 18.2%
Windyreed Wretch 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 16.7%
Kil'sorrow Deathsworn 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.4%
Lake Spirit 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 13.9%
Muck Spawn 64 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.3%
Lake Surger 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 2%
Tortured Earth Spirit 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 11.9%
Shattered Rumbler 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 22.2%
Dust Howler 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.8%
Storm Rager 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.2%
Storm Rager 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 2.2%
Voidspawn 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.7%
Warmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 6.3%
Warmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.3%
Enraged Crusher 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 11.5%
Enraged Crusher 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 11.5%
Warmaul Shaman 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.3%
Warmaul Shaman 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 2.3%
Warmaul Brute 66 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 6.2%
Warmaul Brute 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.2%
Murkblood Putrifier 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 4.8%
Clefthoof 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 8.9%
Ravenous Windroc 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 5.8%
Talbuk Patriarch 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 25%
Bach'lor 67 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 4.2%
Bull Elekk 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.7%
Tusker 68 - 68 1 - 1 Nagrand 11.1%
Wild Elekk 66 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.1%
Wild Elekk 66 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 7.1%
Boulderfist Hunter 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 33.3%
Zorbo the Advisor 66 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 15.4%
Cho'war the Pillager 67 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 3.8%
Demos, Overseer of Hate 68 - 68 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.9%
Xirkos, Overseer of Fear 68 - 68 1 - 1 Nagrand 3.6%
Windroc Huntress 66 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 100%
Injured Talbuk 64 - 64 1 - 1 Nagrand 22.2%
Twilight Serpent 69 - 70 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.1%
Faceless Lurker 79 - 80 1 Icecrown 0.1%
Scourge Soulbinder 80 - 80 1 Icecrown 0.1%
Mature Lasher 80 - 80 1 Sholazar Basin 0.1%
Mature Lasher 80 - 80 1 Borean Tundra 0.1%
Dark Zealot 80 - 80 1 Icecrown 0.1%
Dark Ritualist 80 - 80 1 Icecrown 0.1%
Kvaldir Reaver 79 - 80 1 Hrothgar's Landing 0.1%
Kvaldir Mist Binder 78 - 80 1 Hrothgar's Landing 0.1%

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