Icy Hoof - Objets

Icy Hoof

Icy Hoof
Item Level 1
Loot from Frosthorn Ram
Max Stack: 20
Buy Price: 6940
Sell Price: 1735

More details

  • Type: Miscellaneous
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Snowfall Elk 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 20.4%
Tallhorn Stag 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 19.5%
Tallhorn Stag 72 - 73 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 19.5%
Tallhorn Stag 72 - 73 1 - 1 Zul'Drak 19.5%
Wild Shoveltusk 68 - 68 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 19.1%
Blighted Elk 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 19%
Island Shoveltusk 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 18.3%
Longhoof Grazer 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 18.3%
Highland Mustang 74 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 9.6%
Frosthorn Ram 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 4.1%
Frosthorn Ram 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 4.1%
Silvercoat Stag 74 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 3.2%
Longneck Grazer 75 - 76 1 - 1 Sholazar Basin 3.2%
Longneck Grazer 75 - 76 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.2%
Arctic Ram 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.6%
Arctic Ram 72 - 73 1 - 1 Crystalsong Forest 2.6%
Frosthorn Kid 70 - 70 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.6%
Frosthorn Kid 70 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.6%
Maddened Frosthorn 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.6%
Tundra Ram 79 - 80 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks 0.2%

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