Simple Flour - Objets

Simple Flour

Simple Flour
Item Level 5
Max Stack: 20
Buy Price: 25
Sell Price: 1

More details

  • Type: Trade Goods
Name Level Required Level Faction
Jun'ik's Coverup 74 73
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Master Chef Mouldier
Cooking Trainer & Supplies
14 - 14 25
Trade Supplies
10 - 10 25
11 - 11 25
Cooking Supplies
30 - 30 25
Cooking Supplies
30 - 30 25
"Cookie" McWeaksauce
Cooking Trainer & Supplies
8 - 8 25
Ergh of the Stillpine
Trade Supplies
10 - 10 25
60 - 60 25
Cooking Supplies
60 - 60 25
Jim Saltit
Cooking Supplies
60 - 60 25
Galley Chief Grace
The Lady Mehley
40 - 40 25
Galley Chief Mariss
The Moonspray
65 - 65 25
Galley Chief Gathers
The Bravery
40 - 40 25
Galley Chief Alunwea
Feathermoon Ferry
65 - 65 25
Galley Chief Halumvorea
Elune's Blessing
65 - 65 25
Galley Chief Steelbelly
The Maiden's Fancy
65 - 65 25
Provisioner Lorkran
General Goods
73 - 74 25
Galley Chief Paul Kubit
The Assurance
30 - 30 25
Cooking Supplies
75 - 75 25
Derek Odds
Cooking Supplies
75 - 75 25
Mera Mistrunner
Cooking Supplies
75 - 75 25
Cooking Supplies
30 - 30 Desolace 25
Golorn Frostbeard
10 - 10 Dun Morogh 25
Trade Supplies
15 - 15 Durotar 25
Trade Supplies
12 - 12 Durotar 25
Tharynn Bouden
Trade Supplies
10 - 10 Elwynn Forest 25
Drake Lindgren
General & Trade Supplies
10 - 10 Elwynn Forest 25
Micha Yance
Trade Goods
40 - 40 Hillsbrad Foothills 25
Derak Nightfall
32 - 32 Hillsbrad Foothills 25
Emrul Riknussun
Cooking Supplies
30 - 30 Ironforge 25
Naal Mistrunner
Cooking Supplies
40 - 40 Mulgore 25
Wunna Darkmane
Trade Goods
10 - 10 Mulgore 25
Cooking Supplies
63 - 63 Nagrand 25
Nula the Butcher
Cooking Supplies
65 - 65 Nagrand 25
Cooking Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 25
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 25
Gloria Femmel
Cooking Supplies
20 - 20 Redridge Mountains 25
Dalin Stouthammer
Cooking Supplies
65 - 65 Shadowmoon Valley 25
Erika Tate
Cooking Supplies
30 - 30 Stormwind City 25
Kelsey Yance
43 - 43 Stranglethorn Vale 25
Narret Shadowgrove
Trade Supplies
16 - 16 Teldrassil 25
Cooking Supplies
30 - 30 Teldrassil 25
Cooking Supplies
20 - 20 Teldrassil 25
Tarban Hearthgrain
22 - 22 The Barrens 25
Otho Moji'ko
Cooking Supplies
48 - 48 The Hinterlands 25
Abigail Shiel
Trade Supplies
9 - 9 Tirisfal Glades 25
Ronald Burch
Cooking Supplies
30 - 30 Undercity 25
Christopher Hewen
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Westfall 25
Cooking Supplies
63 - 63 Zangarmarsh 25
Brady Ironcrock
Cooking Supplies
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 25

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