Empowered Fire Opal - Objets

Empowered Fire Opal

Empowered Fire Opal
Item Level 70
Bind on pickup
+8 Attack Power and +5 Resilience Rating
Matches a Red or Yellow Socket.
Buy Price: 12
Sell Price: 3

More details

  • Type: Gem
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Fanggore Worg 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 28.2%
Fanggore Worg 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 28.2%
Winterskorn Worg 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 18.9%
Wild Worg 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 20.3%
Garwal 66 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 33.9%
Bloodthirsty Worg 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 20.9%
Bjomolf 72 - 72 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 21.1%
Varg 71 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 21.1%
Spearfang Worg 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 23.7%
Tundra Wolf 68 - 68 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 25.1%
Hungry Worg 72 - 73 1 - 1 6.8%
Graymist Hunter 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 33.8%
Graymist Hunter 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 33.8%
Bloodthirsty Tundra Wolf 79 - 80 1 - 1 Utgarde Pinnacle 39.8%
Duskhowl Prowler 72 - 73 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 32.1%
Grizzlesnout 1 - 1 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 41.3%
Goremaw 75 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 44.8%
Phantasmal Wolf 79 - 80 1 - 1 42.7%
Savage Worg 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 23.7%
Cavedweller Worg 79 - 80 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks 48.2%
Gimorak 80 - 80 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks 48.8%

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