Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample - Objets

Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample

Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample
Item Level 65
Bind on pickup
Loot from Mo'arg Engineer
You may turn 20 of these items in to Chief Researcher Kartos at Halaa if the Alliance have control of the base.
Max Stack: 100

More details

  • Type: Miscellaneous

Members Screenshots

Name Level Required Level Faction
Oshu'gun Crystal Powder 67 64 Alliance
Oshu'gun Crystal Powder 67 64 Alliance
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Windroc Huntress 66 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 100%
Boulderfist Hunter 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 33.3%
Talbuk Patriarch 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 25%
Shattered Rumbler 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 22.2%
Injured Talbuk 64 - 64 1 - 1 Nagrand 22.2%
Boulderfist Crusher 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 18.3%
Windyreed Scavenger 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 18.2%
Windyreed Wretch 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 16.7%
Zorbo the Advisor 66 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 15.4%
Lake Spirit 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 13.9%
Greater Windroc 66 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 12.5%
Greater Windroc 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 12.5%
Tortured Earth Spirit 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 11.9%
Enraged Crusher 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 11.5%
Enraged Crusher 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 11.5%
Tusker 68 - 68 1 - 1 Nagrand 11.1%
Clefthoof 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 8.9%
Boulderfist Warrior 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 8.7%
Bull Elekk 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.7%
Windroc 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.4%
Kil'sorrow Deathsworn 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.4%
Talbuk Thorngrazer 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.2%
Talbuk Thorngrazer 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 7.2%
Wild Elekk 66 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.1%
Wild Elekk 66 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 7.1%
Mo'arg Engineer 67 - 68 1 - 1 Nagrand 7.09%
Boulderfist Mystic 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.8%
Dust Howler 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.8%
Voidspawn 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.7%
Clefthoof Bull 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.6%
Talbuk Stag 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.5%
Boulderfist Mage 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.3%
Muck Spawn 64 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.3%
Warmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 6.3%
Warmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.3%
Warmaul Brute 66 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 6.2%
Warmaul Brute 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 6.2%
Ravenous Windroc 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 5.8%
Murkblood Putrifier 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 4.8%
Bach'lor 67 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 4.2%
Cho'war the Pillager 67 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 3.8%
Xirkos, Overseer of Fear 68 - 68 1 - 1 Nagrand 3.6%
Aged Clefthoof 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.9%
Demos, Overseer of Hate 68 - 68 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.9%
Warmaul Shaman 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.3%
Warmaul Shaman 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 2.3%
Warmaul Reaver 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.2%
Warmaul Reaver 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 2.2%
Storm Rager 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 2.2%
Storm Rager 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 2.2%
Lake Surger 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 2%
Twilight Serpent 69 - 70 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.1%
Faceless Lurker 79 - 80 1 Icecrown 0.1%
Scourge Soulbinder 80 - 80 1 Icecrown 0.1%
Mature Lasher 80 - 80 1 Sholazar Basin 0.1%
Mature Lasher 80 - 80 1 Borean Tundra 0.1%
Dark Zealot 80 - 80 1 Icecrown 0.1%
Dark Ritualist 80 - 80 1 Icecrown 0.1%
Kvaldir Reaver 79 - 80 1 Hrothgar's Landing 0.1%
Kvaldir Mist Binder 78 - 80 1 Hrothgar's Landing 0.1%

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