Eternium Ore - Objets

Eternium Ore

Eternium Ore
Item Level 70
Loot from Mo'arg Doomsmith
Max Stack: 20
Buy Price: 500
Sell Price: 1250

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  • Type: Trade Goods

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Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Spire Needler 70 - 72 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.79%
Mal'druk the Soulrender 64 - 64 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.74%
Blackwind Warp Chaser 69 - 70 1 - 1 Terokkar Forest 0.5%
Barash the Den Mother 72 - 72 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.5%
Nethermine Burster 70 - 71 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.5%
Crazed Murkblood Foreman 71 - 71 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.5%
Ridgespine Horror 68 - 68 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.1%
Overmaster Grindgarr 70 - 70 1 - 1 Netherstorm 0.09%
Gan'arg Analyzer 70 - 70 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.08%
Warmaul Chef Bufferlo 65 - 65 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.08%
Dullgrom Dredger 65 - 66 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.05%
Wrath Hound 70 - 71 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.04%
Maxnar the Ashmaw 68 - 68 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.04%
Dragonmaw Ascendant 72 - 72 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.04%
Vilewing Chimaera 68 - 68 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.04%
Tortured Earth Spirit 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.03%
Seeping Sludge 69 - 70 1 - 1 Netherstorm 0.03%
Cho'war the Pillager 67 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.03%
Shattered Rumbler 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.02%
Bloodmaul Drudger 65 - 66 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.02%
Bladespire Crusher 67 - 67 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.02%
Illidari Shocktrooper 68 - 69 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.02%
Warmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.02%
Warmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.02%
Vekh'nir Stormcaller 65 - 66 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.02%
Shadowmoon Chosen 70 - 70 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.02%
Vengeful Husk 65 - 66 1 - 1 Terokkar Forest 0.01%
Lagoon Eel 61 - 62 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.01%
Dark Conclave Harbinger 68 - 68 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.01%
Ironspine Petrifier 62 - 63 1 - 1 Terokkar Forest 0.01%
Ironspine Petrifier 62 - 63 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.01%
Fleshfiend 69 - 70 1 - 1 Netherstorm 0.01%
Coilskar Muckwatcher 70 - 70 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.01%
Boulderfist Warrior 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.01%
Enraged Crusher 65 - 66 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.01%
Enraged Crusher 65 - 66 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.01%
Warmaul Brute 66 - 67 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.01%
Warmaul Brute 66 - 67 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.01%
Wyrmcult Blackwhelp 67 - 68 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.01%
Bladespire Mystic 67 - 67 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.01%
Dark Conclave Hawkeye 67 - 67 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.01%
Ango'rosh Shadowmage 63 - 64 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.01%
Ravenous Flayer 69 - 70 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.01%
Wyrmcult Acolyte 67 - 68 1 - 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 0.01%
Boulderfist Hunter 64 - 65 1 - 1 Nagrand 0.01%
Mo'arg Doomsmith 68 - 69 1 - 1 Netherstorm 0.01%
Mudfin Frenzy 62 - 63 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 0.01%
Scorchshell Pincer 68 - 69 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.01%
Dragonmaw Peon 68 - 69 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.01%
Ironspine Chomper 63 - 64 1 - 1 Terokkar Forest 0.01%
Mo'arg Warp-Master 70 - 70 1 - 1 Netherstorm 0%
Warp Hunter 64 - 65 1 - 1 Terokkar Forest 0%
Infernal Warbringer 58 - 59 1 - 1 Hellfire Peninsula 0%

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