Mote of Earth - Objets

Mote of Earth

Mote of Earth
Item Level 65
Max Stack: 10
Buy Price: 160
Sell Price: 40

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  • Type: Trade Goods

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Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Sundered Shard 67 - 67 1 - 3 Netherstorm 20%
Sundered Thunderer 69 - 69 1 - 3 Netherstorm 19.95%
Sundered Rumbler 67 - 68 1 - 4 Netherstorm 18.69%
Shattered Rumbler 66 - 67 1 - 4 Nagrand 18.57%
Enraged Earth Spirit 68 - 69 1 - 2 Shadowmoon Valley 18.34%
Rumbling Earth-Heart 70 - 71 1 - 1 Zangarmarsh 16.5%
Tortured Earth Spirit 64 - 65 1 - 4 Nagrand 13.97%
Enraged Crusher 65 - 66 1 - 4 Nagrand 13.52%
Enraged Crusher 65 - 66 1 - 4 Zangarmarsh 13.52%
Cooling Infernal 68 - 69 1 - 1 Shadowmoon Valley 0.29%
Stone Giant 70 - 70 2 - 3 Howling Fjord 0.1%
Iron Rune Sentinel 70 - 70 2 - 2 Howling Fjord 0.05%
Runic Battle Golem 73 - 74 2 - 2 Grizzly Hills 0.05%
Runic War Golem 74 - 75 2 - 2 Grizzly Hills 0.05%
Icetouched Earthrager 74 - 75 1 - 1 Zul'Drak 0.05%
Icetouched Earthrager 74 - 75 1 - 1 Crystalsong Forest 0.05%
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Dealer Najeeb
Spare Parts
60 - 60 3 160
Dealer Tariq
Shady Dealer
60 - 60 1 160
Darkmoon Faire Exotic Goods
35 - 35 2 Elwynn Forest 160
Name Reagents

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