Qiraji Ornate Hilt - Objets

Qiraji Ornate Hilt

Qiraji Ornate Hilt
Item Level 1
Bind on pickup
Classes: Priest Mage Warlock Druid
Max Stack: 250

More details

  • Type: Quest
Name Level Required Level Faction
Gavel of Infinite Wisdom 60 60 Alliance
Blade of Vaulted Secrets 60 60 Alliance
Mace of Unending Life 60 60 Alliance
Kris of Unspoken Names 60 60 Alliance
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Moam 63 - 63 1 - 1 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 15%
Ayamiss the Hunter 63 - 63 1 - 1 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 10%
Buru the Gorger 63 - 63 1 - 1 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 10%
Ossirian the Unscarred 63 - 63 1 - 1 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 0%

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