Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor - Objets

Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor

Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor
Item Level 1
Bind on pickup
Medal awarded for fighting in Warsong Gulch
Max Stack: 20

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  • Type: Quest

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Name Level Required Level Faction
Past Victories in Warsong Gulch 1 1 Alliance
Past Victories in Warsong Gulch 1 1 Horde
Past Efforts in Warsong Gulch 1 1 Alliance
Past Efforts in Warsong Gulch 1 1 Horde
Name Level Required Level Faction
Vanquish the Invaders! 25 20 Alliance
Quell the Silverwing Usurpers 25 20 Horde
Vanquish the Invaders! 35 30 Alliance
Vanquish the Invaders! 45 40 Alliance
Vanquish the Invaders! 55 50 Alliance
Quell the Silverwing Usurpers 35 30 Horde
Quell the Silverwing Usurpers 45 40 Horde
Quell the Silverwing Usurpers 55 50 Horde
Vanquish the Invaders 15 10 Alliance
Vanquish the Invaders! 60 60 Alliance
Quell the Silverwing Usurpers 60 60 Horde
Quell the Silverwing Usurpers 15 10 Alliance
For Great Honor 60 51 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 19 10 Horde
Concerted Efforts 60 51 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 19 10 Alliance
Concerted Efforts 60 51 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 19 10 Alliance
For Great Honor 60 51 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 19 10 Horde
Fight for Warsong Gulch 29 20 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 39 30 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 49 40 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 59 50 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 60 60 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 29 20 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 39 30 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 49 40 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 59 50 Alliance
Fight for Warsong Gulch 60 60 Alliance
Battle of Warsong Gulch 29 20 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 39 30 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 49 40 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 59 50 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 60 60 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 29 20 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 39 30 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 49 40 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 59 50 Horde
Battle of Warsong Gulch 60 60 Horde
For Great Honor -1 71 Alliance
For Great Honor -1 71
Concerted Efforts -1 71 Alliance
Concerted Efforts -1 71

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