Tanned Leather Belt - Objets

Tanned Leather Belt

Tanned Leather Belt
Item Level 17
39 Armor
Durability 20 /20
Requires Level 12
Buy Price: 725
Sell Price: 145

More details

  • Cannot be disenchanted
  • Type: Armor

Members Screenshots

Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Leather Armor Merchant
30 - 30 725
Leather Armor Merchant
30 - 30 725
Tandaan Lightmane
Leather Armor Merchant
23 - 23 Ashenvale 725
Leather Armor & Leatherworking Supplies
18 - 18 Darkshore 725
Veldan Lightfoot
Leather Armor Merchant
10 - 10 Elwynn Forest 725
Raena Flinthammer
Light Armor Merchant
30 - 30 Ironforge 725
Kat Sampson
Leather Armor Merchant
17 - 17 Loch Modan 725
Leather Armor Merchant
30 - 30 Mulgore 725
Leather Armor Merchant
30 - 30 Mulgore 725
Leather Armor Merchant
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 725
Alexandre Lefevre
Leather Armor Merchant
18 - 18 Silverpine Forest 725
Lara Moore
Leather Armor Merchant
30 - 30 Stormwind City 725
Night Elf Armorer
30 - 30 Teldrassil 725
Leather Armor Merchant
30 - 30 Teldrassil 725
Jahan Hawkwing
Leather & Mail Armor Merchant
21 - 21 The Barrens 725
Leather Armor Merchant
33 - 33 The Barrens 725
Sanuye Runetotem
Leather Armor Merchant
15 - 15 The Barrens 725
Lauren Newcomb
Light Armor Merchant
30 - 30 Undercity 725
Gillian Moore
Leather Armor Merchant
30 - 30 Undercity 725
Defias Profiteer
Free Wheeling Merchant
20 - 20 Westfall 725

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