Schematic: Lifelike Mechanical Toad - Objets

Schematic: Lifelike Mechanical Toad

Schematic: Lifelike Mechanical Toad
Item Level 53
Loot from Skeletal Flayer
Buy Price: 160
Sell Price: 400

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  • Type: Recipe
  • Consumable

Show the 11 comments

Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Blue Dragonspawn 50 - 51 1 Azshara 1%
Azuregos 73 - 73 1 Azshara 100%
Nefarian 63 - 63 1 Blackwing Lair 100%
Ysondre 73 - 73 1 Ashenvale 100%
Lethon 63 - 63 1 The Hinterlands 100%
Emeriss 73 - 73 1 Feralas 100%
Taerar 73 - 73 1 Duskwood 100%
Gahz'ranka 63 - 63 1 100%
Dark Keeper Bethek 53 - 53 1 - 1 0.52%
Lord Kazzak 73 - 73 1 - 1 0.42%
Highlord Kruul 63 - 63 1 - 1 0.42%
Firebrand Legionnaire 57 - 58 1 - 1 0.08%
Duros 60 - 60 1 - 1 Alterac Valley 0.05%
Twilight's Hammer Executioner 52 - 52 1 - 1 0.03%
Skeletal Flayer 50 - 51 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Skeletal Acolyte 55 - 56 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Slavering Ghoul 50 - 52 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Searing Ghoul 55 - 56 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Hungering Wraith 56 - 58 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Wailing Death 56 - 57 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Scarlet Invoker 53 - 54 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Blighted Zombie 52 - 53 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Atal'ai Witch Doctor 47 - 48 1 - 1 0.02%
Hulking Feral Scar 45 - 46 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Surf Glider 48 - 50 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Thistleshrub Dew Collector 47 - 48 1 - 1 Tanaris 0.02%
Portal Seeker 51 - 53 1 - 1 0.02%
Shadowsworn Dreadweaver 54 - 54 1 - 1 Blasted Lands 0.02%
Draconic Mageweaver 51 - 52 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Legashi Rogue 51 - 53 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Legashi Hellcaller 52 - 53 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Scorching Elemental 53 - 54 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Living Blaze 54 - 55 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Tar Creeper 51 - 52 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Muculent Ooze 48 - 50 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Black Dragonspawn 52 - 53 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Black Wyrmkin 53 - 54 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Warpwood Shredder 53 - 54 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Jadefire Betrayer 53 - 53 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Jadefire Shadowstalker 52 - 52 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Jaedenar Adept 51 - 52 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Jaedenar Hound 50 - 51 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Toxic Horror 53 - 54 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Deadwood Warrior 48 - 49 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Deadwood Den Watcher 53 - 54 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Deadwind Mauler 56 - 57 1 - 1 Deadwind Pass 0.02%
Deadwind Mauler 56 - 57 1 - 1 Blasted Lands 0.02%
Frostsaber Huntress 58 - 59 1 - 1 Winterspring 0.02%
Winterfall Ursa 57 - 58 1 - 1 Winterspring 0.02%
Winterfall Pathfinder 53 - 54 1 - 1 Winterspring 0.02%
Raging Owlbeast 54 - 56 1 - 1 Winterspring 0.02%
Ice Thistle Yeti 55 - 56 1 - 1 Winterspring 0.02%
Hederine Initiate 59 - 60 1 - 1 Winterspring 0.02%
Anguished Highborne 55 - 56 1 - 1 Winterspring 0.02%
Blighted Surge 54 - 55 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.02%
Plague Ravager 55 - 56 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.02%
Scourge Guard 57 - 58 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.02%
Plaguehound Runt 53 - 54 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.02%
Plaguehound Runt 53 - 54 1 - 1 Western Plaguelands 0.02%
Forest Ooze 52 - 53 1 - 1 Azshara 0.02%
Anvilrage Overseer 48 - 49 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Warden 49 - 50 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Guardsman 50 - 51 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Footman 50 - 51 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Soldier 50 - 50 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Medic 50 - 51 1 - 1 0.02%
Anvilrage Marshal 53 - 54 1 - 1 0.02%
Doomforge Dragoon 53 - 54 1 - 1 0.02%
Blazing Fireguard 52 - 52 1 - 1 0.02%
Bloodhound 49 - 50 1 - 1 0.02%
Angerclaw Grizzly 51 - 52 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Scarshield Grunt 53 - 54 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Scarshield Grunt 53 - 54 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Scarshield Sentry 53 - 54 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Scarshield Sentry 53 - 54 1 - 1 Searing Gorge 0.02%
Rage Talon Dragonspawn 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarshield Legionnaire 54 - 55 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarshield Spellbinder 54 - 55 1 - 1 0.02%
Diemetradon 51 - 52 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.02%
Spirestone Ogre Magus 54 - 55 1 - 1 0.02%
Smolderthorn Mystic 55 - 56 1 - 1 0.02%
Firebrand Darkweaver 56 - 57 1 - 1 0.02%
Smolderthorn Berserker 57 - 58 1 - 1 0.02%
Smolderthorn Seer 56 - 57 1 - 1 0.02%
Dark Guard 52 - 52 1 - 1 0.02%
Scarlet Warder 53 - 54 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.02%
Scarlet Archmage 55 - 57 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.02%
Bloodaxe Worg 56 - 57 1 - 1 0.02%
Bloodaxe Warmonger 57 - 58 1 - 1 0.02%
Blackhand Dreadweaver 59 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Blackhand Summoner 59 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Rage Talon Flamescale 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Spire Scarab 58 - 58 1 - 1 0.02%
Blackhand Iron Guard 60 - 61 1 - 1 0.02%
Rage Talon Dragon Guard 60 - 61 1 - 1 0.02%
Spire Spiderling 55 - 56 1 - 1 0.02%
Skeletal Guardian 55 - 56 1 - 1 0.02%
Black Guard Sentry 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Thuzadin Acolyte 59 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Plague Ghoul 57 - 58 1 - 1 0.02%
Ghoul Ravener 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Rockwing Gargoyle 56 - 58 1 - 1 0.02%
Eye of Naxxramas 55 - 57 1 - 1 0.02%
Crypt Crawler 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Crimson Priest 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Chromatic Dragonspawn 59 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Scholomance Adept 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Risen Protector 58 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Spell Eater 54 - 56 1 - 1 Winterspring 0.02%
Plagued Hatchling 57 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Blackhand Thug 60 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Gurubashi Axe Thrower 60 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Razzashi Adder 60 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Ironbark Protector 57 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Mana Remnant 57 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Necrofiend 58 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Scholomance Dark Summoner 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Snowblind Windcaller 53 - 54 1 - 1 Alterac Valley 0.02%
Hive'Ashi Swarmer 57 - 58 1 - 1 Silithus 0.02%
Hive'Zora Tunneler 58 - 59 1 - 1 Silithus 0.02%
Hive'Zora Hive Sister 59 - 60 1 - 1 Silithus 0.02%
Stonelash Scorpid 54 - 55 1 - 1 Silithus 0.02%
Hakkari Witch Doctor 60 - 60 1 - 1 0.02%
Twilight Geolord 59 - 60 1 - 1 Silithus 0.02%
Twilight Stonecaller 59 - 60 1 - 1 Silithus 0.02%
Gordok Hyena 52 - 54 1 - 1 Feralas 0.02%
Subterranean Diemetradon 46 - 47 1 - 1 0.02%
Champion Legionnaire 60 - 70 1 - 1 0.02%

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