Alcor's Sunrazor - Objets

Alcor's Sunrazor

Alcor's Sunrazor
Item Level 63
Bind on equip
Damages: 41 - 77
Speed: 1.30
(45.38 damage per second)
+10 Fire Resistance
Durability 75 /75
Requires Level 58
Buy Price: 393864
Sell Price: 78772

More details

  • Can be disenchanted
  • Type: Weapon

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Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Araj the Summoner 61 - 61 1 Western Plaguelands 0.1%
Restless Shade 68 - 69 1 Deadwind Pass 0.1%
Rabid Shardtooth 59 - 60 1 Winterspring 0.1%
Berserk Owlbeast 58 - 59 1 Winterspring 0.1%
Hederine Initiate 59 - 60 1 Winterspring 0.1%
Hederine Manastalker 59 - 60 1 Winterspring 0.1%
Hederine Slayer 59 - 59 1 Winterspring 0.1%
Dread Weaver 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Scourge Champion 59 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Diseased Flayer 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Gangled Golem 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Stitched Golem 59 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Dark Adept 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Shadowmage 59 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Crypt Slayer 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Woodsman 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Rage Talon Dragonspawn 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Bloodaxe Evoker 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Blackhand Dreadweaver 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Blackhand Summoner 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Blackhand Veteran 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Blackhand Incarcerator 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Blackhand Elite 60 - 61 1 0.1%
Blackhand Assassin 60 - 61 1 0.1%
Blackhand Iron Guard 60 - 61 1 0.1%
Rage Talon Dragon Guard 60 - 61 1 0.1%
Rage Talon Captain 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Rage Talon Fire Tongue 60 - 61 1 0.1%
Black Guard Sentry 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Thuzadin Shadowcaster 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Thuzadin Acolyte 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Thuzadin Necromancer 60 - 61 1 0.1%
Ghoul Ravener 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Fleshflayer Ghoul 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Rockwing Screecher 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Crypt Crawler 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Crypt Beast 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Bile Spewer 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Venom Belcher 60 - 61 1 0.1%
Crimson Defender 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Crimson Gallant 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Crimson Battle Mage 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Crimson Inquisitor 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Chromatic Dragonspawn 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Scholomance Adept 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Scholomance Necromancer 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Splintered Skeleton 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Unstable Corpse 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Risen Warrior 59 - 61 1 0.1%
Risen Protector 58 - 60 1 0.1%
Risen Guard 57 - 59 1 0.1%
Spectral Tutor 58 - 60 1 0.1%
Spectral Teacher 58 - 61 1 0.1%
Plagued Hatchling 57 - 59 1 0.1%
Rookery Hatcher 58 - 59 1 0.1%
Blackhand Dragon Handler 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Blackhand Thug 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Crimson Monk 58 - 60 1 0.1%
Scholomance Handler 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Hakkari Shadow Hunter 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Gurubashi Axe Thrower 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Gurubashi Berserker 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Gurubashi Champion 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Son of Hakkar 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Soulflayer 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Zulian Cub 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Zulian Tiger 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Zulian Panther 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Bloodseeker Bat 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Razzashi Serpent 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Razzashi Adder 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Witherbark Speaker 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Ironbark Protector 57 - 59 1 0.1%
Necrofiend 58 - 60 1 0.1%
Molten Giant 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Molten Destroyer 63 - 63 1 0.1%
Flamewaker Elite 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Lava Annihilator 61 - 62 1 0.1%
Firewalker 61 - 62 1 0.1%
Flameguard 61 - 62 1 0.1%
Firelord 61 - 62 1 0.1%
Ancient Core Hound 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Hive'Zora Hive Sister 59 - 60 1 Silithus 0.1%
Hive'Regal Ambusher 59 - 60 1 Silithus 0.1%
Hive'Regal Ambusher 59 - 60 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.1%
Hive'Regal Slavemaker 59 - 60 1 Silithus 0.1%
Hive'Regal Slavemaker 59 - 60 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.1%
Hive'Regal Hive Lord 59 - 61 1 Silithus 0.1%
Hive'Regal Hive Lord 59 - 61 1 Un'Goro Crater 0.1%
Hakkari Priest 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Hakkari Witch Doctor 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Twilight Avenger 58 - 59 1 Silithus 0.1%
Twilight Geolord 59 - 60 1 Silithus 0.1%
Twilight Stonecaller 59 - 60 1 Silithus 0.1%
Twilight Master 60 - 60 1 Silithus 0.1%
Borelgore 61 - 61 1 Eastern Plaguelands 0.1%
Captain Balinda Stonehearth 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 0.1%
Lava Elemental 61 - 62 1 0.1%
Lava Reaver 62 - 63 1 0.1%
Lava Surger 61 - 62 1 0.1%
Flamewaker Protector 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Crimson Elite 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Damned Soul 68 - 69 1 Deadwind Pass 0.1%
Unliving Resident 69 - 70 1 Deadwind Pass 0.1%
Blackwing Spellbinder 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Blackwing Warlock 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Death Talon Wyrmguard 63 - 63 1 0.1%
Death Talon Overseer 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Death Talon Flamescale 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Death Talon Captain 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Death Talon Hatcher 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Emeraldon Boughguard 62 - 62 1 Ashenvale 0.1%
Emeraldon Oracle 61 - 61 1 Ashenvale 0.1%
Verdantine Boughguard 62 - 62 1 The Hinterlands 0.1%
Lord Lakmaeran 62 - 62 1 Feralas 0.1%
Lieutenant Vol'talar 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 0.1%
Commander Mulfort 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 0.1%
Champion Guardian 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 0.1%
Champion Defender 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 0.1%
Blackwing Technician 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Razzashi Venombrood 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Terrordale Spirit 59 - 60 1 0.1%
Razzashi Raptor 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Withered Mistress 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Voodoo Slave 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Zulian Crocolisk 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Twilight Flamereaver 60 - 60 1 Silithus 0.1%
The Duke of Shards 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Azure Templar 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Hoary Templar 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Twilight Overlord 60 - 61 1 Silithus 0.1%
Vekniss Soldier 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Vekniss Guardian 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Vekniss Stinger 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Vekniss Hive Crawler 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Qiraji Brainwasher 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Qiraji Lasher 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Qiraji Champion 63 - 63 1 0.1%
Obsidian Eradicator 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Anubisath Sentinel 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Anubisath Defender 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Earthen Templar 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Hive'Zara Soldier 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Hive'Zara Wasp 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Hive'Zara Stinger 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Flesh Hunter 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Obsidian Destroyer 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Qiraji Swarmguard 61 - 61 1 0.1%
Anubisath Guardian 62 - 62 1 0.1%
Major Yeggeth 63 - 63 1 0.1%
Shrieker Scarab 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Spitting Scarab 60 - 60 1 0.1%
Colossus of Ashi 73 - 73 1 0.1%
Lieutenant General Nokhor 73 - 73 1 0.1%
Omor the Unscarred 62 - 62 1 - 1 Hellfire Ramparts 0%

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