Blank Parchment - Objets

Blank Parchment

Blank Parchment
Item Level 40
Max Stack: 10
Buy Price: 50
Sell Price: 125

More details

  • Type: Trade Goods
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Namdo Bizzfizzle
Engineering Supplies
24 - 24 50
Tink Sprocketwhistle
Engineering Supplies
24 - 24 50
Field Repair Bot 74A 50 - 50 50
Trade Supplies
10 - 10 50
11 - 11 50
Floyd Pinkus
60 - 60 50
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 50
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 50
Sid Limbardi
55 - 55 50
Artificer Daelo
Engineering Trainer
18 - 18 50
Clopper Wizbang
Explorers' League
15 - 15 50
Ergh of the Stillpine
Trade Supplies
10 - 10 50
62 - 62 50
Master Engineering Trainer
60 - 60 50
Innkeeper Coryth Stoktron
63 - 63 50
Leeli Longhaggle
Trade Goods
60 - 60 50
Ernie Packwell
Trade Goods
61 - 61 50
General Goods
60 - 60 50
Captured Gnome
Item Repair
6 - 6 50
Pol Snowhoof
Trade Goods
60 - 60 50
Dealer Aljaan
Trade Goods
60 - 60 50
Peon Bolgar
Trade Goods
52 - 52 50
Siflaed Coldhammer
60 - 60 50
Trade Goods
60 - 60 50
Wink Sprinklesprankle
General Goods & Trade Supplies
67 - 67 50
70 - 70 50
Beem Goldsprocket
Trade Goods
67 - 67 50
Trade Goods
65 - 65 50
Trade Goods
73 - 73 50
Trade Goods
65 - 65 50
Trade Goods
56 - 56 50
Chief Engineer Boltwrench 80 - 80 50
Inscription Supplies
35 - 35 50
Mertle Murkpen
Inscription Supplies
35 - 35 50
Inscription Supplies
35 - 35 50
Ickabod Pimlen
Inscription Supplies
35 - 35 50
Stanly McCormick
Inscription Supplies
35 - 35 50
Illianna Moonscribe
Inscription Supplies
35 - 35 50
Inscription Supplies
35 - 35 50
Thargen Heavyquill
Inscription Supplies
35 - 35 50
Jezebel Bican
Inscription Supplies
60 - 60 50
Kul Inkspiller
Inscription Supplies
60 - 60 50
Adventurous Tinker
80 - 80 50
Drix Blackwrench
The Fixer
80 - 80 50
Engineer Sinbei
Master Engineering Trainer
62 - 62 50
Scribe Lanloer
Master Inscription Trainer
62 - 62 50
Demolisher Engineer Blastwrench
80 - 80 50
Technician Mihila
Master Engineering Trainer
62 - 62 50
Recorder Lidio
Master Inscription Trainer
62 - 62 50
Rizz Loosebolt
Engineering Supplies
31 - 31 Alterac Mountains 50
Jubie Gadgetspring
Engineering Supplies
55 - 55 Azshara 50
Trade Goods
65 - 65 Blade's Edge Mountains 50
Rashere Pridehoof
Trade Goods
70 - 70 Blade's Edge Mountains 50
Trade Goods
60 - 60 Blade's Edge Mountains 50
Bossi Pentapiston
Engineering Supplies
67 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains 50
Sassa Weldwell
Trade Goods
67 - 67 Blade's Edge Mountains 50
Wyrmcult Provisioner 67 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains 50
Ogri'la Trader
Trade Goods
71 - 73 Blade's Edge Mountains 50
Chief Engineer Galpen Rolltie
Engineering Supplies
70 - 70 Borean Tundra 50
Danook Stormwhisper
Trade Goods
70 - 70 Borean Tundra 50
Brokkan Bear-Arms
Trade Goods
69 - 69 Borean Tundra 50
Adelene Sunlance
Grand Master Inscription Trainer
69 - 69 Borean Tundra 50
Tink Brightbolt
Grand Master Inscription Trainer
71 - 71 Borean Tundra 50
Trade Goods
69 - 69 Borean Tundra 50
Librarian Ingram
Inscription Supplies
72 - 72 Borean Tundra 50
Yuka Screwspigot 53 - 53 Burning Steppes 50
Durik Bronzebomb
Engineering Supplies
78 - 78 Crystalsong Forest 50
Supply Officer Thalmers
Poisons, Reagents & Trade Supplies
77 - 77 Crystalsong Forest 50
Quartermaster Vaskess
80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest 50
"Red" Jack Findle
Trade Supplies
75 - 75 Dalaran 50
Bryan Landers
Engineering Supplies
75 - 75 Dalaran 50
Larana Drome
Inscription Supplies
75 - 75 Dalaran 50
Troz 75 - 75 Dragonblight 50
Tradesman Kontor
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 50
Rohesia Werner
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 50
Trixy Trixerton
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 50
Saramer Whitewillow
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 50
Trade Goods
75 - 75 Dragonblight 50
Golorn Frostbeard
10 - 10 Dun Morogh 50
Loslor Rudge
Engineering Supplies
10 - 10 Dun Morogh 50
Trade Supplies
15 - 15 Durotar 50
Trade Supplies
12 - 12 Durotar 50
Herble Baubbletump
Engineering & Mining Supplies
30 - 30 Duskwood 50
Tharynn Bouden
Trade Supplies
10 - 10 Elwynn Forest 50
Drake Lindgren
General & Trade Supplies
10 - 10 Elwynn Forest 50
Zorbin Fandazzle 40 - 40 Feralas 50
Maevin Farmoon
Trade Goods
73 - 73 Grizzly Hills 50
Koro the Wanderer
Trade Goods
75 - 75 Grizzly Hills 50
Lisa Philbrook
Trade Goods
70 - 70 Grizzly Hills 50
Trade Goods
69 - 69 Grizzly Hills 50
Aspen Grove Trader
Trade Goods
73 - 74 Grizzly Hills 50
Datalore Smallsphere
Trade Goods
70 - 70 Grizzly Hills 50
Master Engineering Trainer
60 - 60 Hellfire Peninsula 50
Zan Shivsproket
Speciality Engineer
60 - 60 Hillsbrad Foothills 50
Balar Rumsbane
Trade Goods
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 50
Tara Cooper
Trade Goods
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 50
Samuel Rosemond
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 50
Barnabas Frye
Trade Goods
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 50
Glen Roberts
68 - 68 Howling Fjord 50
Mindri Dinkles
Grand Master Inscription Trainer
71 - 71 Howling Fjord 50
Booker Kells
Grand Master Inscription Trainer
71 - 71 Howling Fjord 50
Trade Supplies
80 - 80 Icecrown 50
Chief Engineer Copperclaw 80 - 80 Icecrown 50
Frazzle Geargrinder
Engineering Supplies
80 - 80 Icecrown 50
Blast Thunderbomb
Engineering Supplies
80 - 80 Icecrown 50
Fizzix Blastbolt
Engineering Supplies
75 - 75 Icecrown 50
Inscription Supplies
75 - 75 Icecrown 50
Gearcutter Cogspinner
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Ironforge 50
Tradesman Portanuus
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Isle of Quel'Danas 50
Wunna Darkmane
Trade Goods
10 - 10 Mulgore 50
Pilot Marsha
Engineering Supplies
68 - 68 Nagrand 50
Mathar G'ochar
Trade Supplies
60 - 60 Nagrand 50
Trade Supplies
66 - 66 Nagrand 50
Trade Supplies
60 - 62 Netherstorm 50
Engineering Supplies
65 - 65 Netherstorm 50
Dealer Hazzin
General Provisioner
68 - 68 Netherstorm 50
Dealer Dunar
General Provisioner
67 - 67 Netherstorm 50
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 50
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 50
Trade Goods
65 - 65 Shadowmoon Valley 50
Oran Blusterbrew
Trade Goods
65 - 65 Shadowmoon Valley 50
Wind Trader Lathrai 65 - 65 Shattrath City 50
Viggz Shinesparked
Engineering Supplies
64 - 64 Shattrath City 50
Adair Gilroy
60 - 60 Stormwind City 50
Billibub Cogspinner
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Stormwind City 50
Mazk Snipeshot
Engineering Supplies
36 - 36 Stranglethorn Vale 50
Gnaz Blunderflame
Engineering Supplies
42 - 42 Stranglethorn Vale 50
Knaz Blunderflame
Engineering Supplies
42 - 42 Stranglethorn Vale 50
Reagents & Poison Supplies
65 - 65 Tanaris 50
Narret Shadowgrove
Trade Supplies
16 - 16 Teldrassil 50
Trade Goods
61 - 61 Terokkar Forest 50
Keeper of Scrolls
70 - 70 Terokkar Forest 50
Engineering Supplies
20 - 20 The Barrens 50
Ruppo Zipcoil
Engineering Supplies
52 - 52 The Hinterlands 50
Xark Bolthammer
Blacksmithing & Engineering Supplies
78 - 78 The Storm Peaks 50
Chester Copperpot
General & Trade Supplies
80 - 80 The Storm Peaks 50
Wizzle Brassbolts 31 - 31 Thousand Needles 50
Jinky Twizzlefixxit
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Thousand Needles 50
Abigail Shiel
Trade Supplies
9 - 9 Tirisfal Glades 50
Salazar Bloch
Book Dealer
30 - 30 Undercity 50
Elizabeth Van Talen
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Undercity 50
Christopher Hewen
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Westfall 50
Neal Allen
Engineering Supplies & General Goods
20 - 20 Wetlands 50
Fradd Swiftgear
Engineering Supplies
24 - 24 Wetlands 50
Xizzer Fizzbolt
Engineering Supplies
57 - 57 Winterspring 50
Kevin Weaver
Trade Goods
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 50
Haley Copperturn
Engineering Supplies
70 - 70 Zul'Drak 50
Chad Carter
Trade Goods
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 50
Trade Supplies
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 50
Trade Supplies
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 50
Engineer Reed 72 - 72 Zul'Drak 50

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