Orgrimmar - Factions


Founded by Thrall, this Horde capital city is home to many of the proud orc clans of Durotar.
Name Rank Profession Buy price
Swift Burgundy Wolf Exalted Mount 500
Name Level Rep. gain
Fire Training 0 +87
Free at Last! 0 +262
A Peon's Burden 1 +25
Burning Blade Medallion 1 +500
Can't Get Enough Turkey 1 +180
Candied Sweet Potatoes 1 +90
Cutting Teeth 1 +250
Don't Forget The Stuffing! 1 +180
Encrypted Parchment 1 +83
Etched Parchment 1 +83
Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise 1 +500
Pumpkin Pie 1 +90
Report to Sen'jin Village 1 +75
Rune-Inscribed Parchment 1 +83
Sarkoth 1 +250
Sarkoth 1 +25
Simple Parchment 1 +83
Slow-roasted Turkey 1 +90
Sting of the Scorpid 1 +250
Tainted Parchment 1 +82
The Admiral's Orders 1 +250
The Admiral's Orders 1 +250
Vile Familiars 1 +10
Your Place In The World 1 +75
Yurauk the Elder 1 +16
Vile Familiars 2 +350
From The Wreckage.... 3 +250
Lazy Peons 3 +350
Thazz'ril's Pick 3 +350
Vanquish the Betrayers 3 +250
Ak'Zeloth 4 +75
Burning Shadows 4 +150
Carry Your Weight 4 +250
Dark Storms 4 +250
Margoz 4 +10
Minshina's Skull 4 +250
Neeru Fireblade 4 +75
Report to Orgnil 4 +75
Skull Rock 4 +250
Zalazane 4 +250
A Solvent Spirit 5 +250
Practical Prey 5 +250
The Missing 5 +0
Thwarting Kolkar Aggression 5 +250
Break a Few Eggs 6 +250
Encroachment 6 +150
Need for a Cure 7 +350
Securing the Lines 7 +300
Winds in the Desert 7 +300
Lost But Not Forgotten 8 +250
Centaur Bracers 9 +275
Disrupt the Attacks 9 +300
Hidden Enemies 9 +250
Hidden Enemies 9 +75
Hidden Enemies 9 +250
Hidden Enemies 9 +350
Raptor Thieves 9 +250
Stolen Silver 9 +250
Supplies for the Crossroads 9 +300
The Demon Seed 9 +350
The Disruption Ends 9 +300
Conscript of the Horde 10 +90
Crossroads Conscription 10 +250
Doras the Wind Rider Master 10 +28
Echeyakee 10 +420
Hallow's End Treats for Spoops! 10 +150
Meats to Orgrimmar 10 +28
Plainstrider Menace 10 +300
Prowlers of the Barrens 10 +300
Return to the Crossroads. 10 +403
Ride to Orgrimmar 10 +83
Rilli Greasygob 10 +10
Samophlange Manual 10 +150
The Angry Scytheclaws 10 +275
The Zhevra 10 +300
Chen's Empty Keg 11 +250
Chen's Empty Keg 11 +350
Chen's Empty Keg 11 +75
Counterattack! 11 +385
Hezrul Bloodmark 11 +165
Kolkar Leaders 11 +180
Verog the Dervish 11 +165
A Donation of Wool 12 +150
Harpy Lieutenants 12 +275
Harpy Raiders 12 +275
Serena Bloodfeather 12 +385
Goblin Invaders 13 +250
Shredding Machines 13 +250
The Spirits of Stonetalon 13 +25
Blood Shards of Agamaggan 14 +150
Consumed by Hatred 14 +300
Lost in Battle 14 +150
Tribes at War 14 +250
Dig Rat Stew 15 +250
Horde Presence 15 +350
Meeting the Warchief 15 +275
Meeting the Warchief 15 +275
The Runed Scroll 15 +350
Betrayal from Within 17 +150
Betrayal from Within 17 +500
The Rescue 17 +350
The Warsong Reports 17 +350
Weapons of Choice 17 +250
Shadumbra's Head 20 +275
Sharptalon's Claw 20 +275
Torek's Assault 20 +385
Ursangous's Paw 20 +275
Between a Rock and a Thistlefur 21 +275
Warsong Supplies 22 +350
Stonetalon Standstill 23 +275
The Befouled Element 23 +28
The Lost Pages 23 +250
A New Ore Sample 25 +250
Final Passage 25 +500
More Sparklematic Action 25 +17
Rig Wars 25 +250
Ruined Kegs 25 +150
The Sparklematic 5200! 25 +16
The Sparklematic 5200! 25 +16
The Sparklematic 5200! 25 +17
A Donation of Silk 26 +150
Destroy the Legion 26 +250
Diabolical Plans 27 +75
Diabolical Plans 27 +75
Never Again! 27 +350
Grime-Encrusted Ring 28 +16
Nogg's Ring Redo 28 +275
Parts of the Swarm 28 +75
Blackmoore's Legacy 29 +150
Gol'dir 29 +250
Guile of the Raptor 29 +250
Guile of the Raptor 29 +250
Guile of the Raptor 29 +25
Hammerfall 29 +25
Infiltration 29 +250
Raising Spirits 29 +250
Raising Spirits 29 +25
Raising Spirits 29 +25
Taretha's Gift 29 +350
The Swarm Grows 29 +75
The Swarm Grows 29 +150
The Swarm Grows 29 +250
Alliance Relations 30 +25
Alliance Relations 30 +75
Alliance Relations 30 +250
Call to Arms 30 +250
Call to Arms 30 +250
Call to Arms 30 +250
Centaur Bounty 30 +350
Coyote Thieves 30 +250
Honoring a Hero 30 +250
Khan Dez'hepah 30 +350
Marg Speaks 30 +250
Neeka Bloodscar 30 +75
Regthar Deathgate 30 +25
Report to Helgrum 30 +150
Report to Zor 30 +250
Rotten Eggs 30 +25
Service to the Horde 30 +350
The Kolkar of Desolace 30 +25
The Lost Report 30 +150
The Real Threat 30 +350
The Severed Head 30 +150
The Theramore Docks 30 +275
Theramore Spies 30 +300
The Broken Sigil 32 +250
Mok'thardin's Enchantment 33 +250
Mok'thardin's Enchantment 33 +250
Mok'thardin's Enchantment 33 +250
Mok'thardin's Enchantment 33 +350
The Defense of Grom'gol 33 +250
The Defense of Grom'gol 33 +250
The Crown of Will 34 +250
Continued Threat 35 +250
Fresh Meat 35 +250
Lack of Surplus 35 +250
Lack of Surplus 35 +250
Threat From the Sea 35 +350
Threat From the Sea 35 +250
A Grim Discovery 37 +350
Deliver the Gems 37 +75
Necklace Recovery 37 +150
Necklace Recovery, Take 2 37 +150
A Grim Discovery 38 +250
A New Cloak's Sheen 38 +250
A Threat in Feralas 38 +25
Dark Ceremony 38 +250
Gordunni Cobalt 38 +250
Pool of Tears 38 +350
Return to Fel'Zerul 38 +350
The Gordunni Scroll 38 +75
The Ogres of Feralas 38 +150
The Ogres of Feralas 38 +250
The Temple of Atal'Hakkar 38 +350
Rise of the Silithid 39 +350
Stinglasher 39 +350
Zukk'ash Infestation 39 +250
Zukk'ash Report 39 +75
A Donation of Mageweave 40 +150
A Strange Request 40 +75
Broken Alliances 40 +250
Broken Alliances 40 +350
A Sticky Situation 42 +250
Ripple Delivery 42 +250
Ripple Recovery 42 +250
Betrayed 44 +75
Betrayed 44 +150
Betrayed 44 +150
Betrayed 44 +350
A Husband's Last Battle 46 +250
Commander Gor'shak 48 +250
KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves 48 +250
Krom'Grul 48 +250
The Princess Saved? 48 +500
What Is Going On? 48 +250
What Is Going On? 48 +350
A Donation of Runecloth 50 +150
Additional Runecloth 50 +50
Calm Before the Storm 50 +500
KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials 50 +250
March of the Silithid 50 +11
Scarlet Diversions 50 +75
A Gallon of Blood 51 +83
Call of Air - Guse's Fleet 51 +11
Call of Air - Jeztor's Fleet 51 +11
Capture a Mine 51 +275
Coldtooth Supplies 51 +28
Empty Stables 51 +10
Enemy Booty 51 +275
Fallen Sky Lords 51 +250
Hero of the Frostwolf 51 +10
Honored Amongst the Clan 51 +250
In Defense of Frostwolf 51 +250
Irondeep Supplies 51 +27
Lokholar the Ice Lord 51 +11
More Booty! 51 +11
Proving Grounds 51 +275
Ram Hide Harnesses 51 +10
Speak with our Quartermaster 51 +11
The Battle for Alterac 51 +550
The Graveyards of Alterac 51 +263
Towers and Bunkers 51 +263
Guarding Secrets 52 +75
Wild Guardians 52 +250
Wild Guardians 52 +250
Wild Guardians 52 +250
Lethtendris's Web 54 +350
Bijou's Reconnaissance Report 55 +250
For The Horde! 55 +500
Poisoned Water 55 +250
The Pack Mistress 55 +250
Warchief's Blessing 55 +6600
Material Assistance 58 +350
Test Quest for Craig 58 +0
For All To See 60 +500
Messenger to Thrall 60 +500
The Darkreaver Menace 60 +500
The Lord of Blackrock 60 +550
The Lord of Blackrock 60 +550
Victory for the Horde 60 +500
Orgrimmar 65 +0
Orgrimmar 65 +0
A Life Without Regret 71 +0
Herald of War 71 +0
The Battle For The Undercity 71 +0
A Blade Fit For A Champion 77 +275
A Valiant Of Orgrimmar 77 +11
A Valiant's Field Training 77 +275
A Worthy Weapon 77 +275
At The Enemy's Gates 77 +275
The Edge Of Winter 77 +275
The Grand Melee 77 +275
The Valiant's Challenge 77 +275
The Valiant's Charge 77 +275
Valiant Of Orgrimmar 77 +11
A Most Puzzling Circumstance 80 +550
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