Stormpike Guard - Factions

Stormpike Guard

The Stormpike Dwarves have set up residence in Alterac Valley, where they're locked in battle with the Frostwolf Orcs.
Name Rank Profession Buy price
Stormpike Battle Tabard Friendly Miscellaneous 1
Ice Threaded Arrow Honored Arrow 600
Ice Threaded Bullet Honored Bullet 600
Stormpike Cloth Girdle Honored Cloth 47443
Stormpike Leather Girdle Honored Leather 5934
Stormpike Mail Girdle Honored Mail 71165
Stormpike Plate Girdle Honored Plate 47443
Stormpike Sage's Cloak Honored Cloth 76045
Stormpike Sage's Pendant Honored Miscellaneous 71648
Stormpike Soldier's Cloak Honored Cloth 755
Stormpike Soldier's Pendant Honored Miscellaneous 71648
Crackling Staff Revered Staff 398525
Electrified Dagger Revered Dagger 31653
Gnoll Skin Bandolier Revered Ammo Pouch 35
Harpy Hide Quiver Revered Quiver 35
Stormpike Battle Standard Revered Consumable 5
Stormstrike Hammer Revered Mace 321137
Don Julio's Band Exalted Miscellaneous 755555
Don Rodrigo's Band Exalted Miscellaneous 755555
Lei of the Lifegiver Exalted Miscellaneous 50
Stormpike Battle Charger Exalted Mount 10
The Immovable Object Exalted Shield 795297
The Lobotomizer Exalted Dagger 1256618
The Unstoppable Force Exalted Mace 15649
Therazane's Touch Exalted Miscellaneous 50
Tome of Arcane Domination Exalted Miscellaneous 50
Tome of Fiery Arcana Exalted Miscellaneous 50
Tome of Shadow Force Exalted Miscellaneous 50
Tome of the Ice Lord Exalted Miscellaneous 50
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