Darkspear Trolls - Factions

Darkspear Trolls

This tribe of exiled trolls has joined forces with Thrall and the Horde. They now call Durotar their home, which they share with their orc allies.
Name Rank Profession Buy price
Swift Purple Raptor Exalted Mount 500
Name Level Rep. gain
A Peon's Burden 1 +25
Burning Blade Medallion 1 +500
Cutting Teeth 1 +250
Da Perfect Spies 1 +0
Dance Of De Spirits 1 +0
Encrypted Tablet 1 +75
Etched Tablet 1 +75
Frogs Away! 1 +0
Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise 1 +500
Glyphic Tablet 1 +75
Hallowed Tablet 1 +75
Lady Of Da Tigers 1 +0
Report to Sen'jin Village 1 +75
Rune-Inscribed Tablet 1 +75
Sarkoth 1 +250
Sarkoth 1 +25
Simple Tablet 1 +75
Sting of the Scorpid 1 +250
The Admiral's Orders 1 +250
The Admiral's Orders 1 +250
Trollin' For Volunteers 1 +0
Vile Familiars 1 +10
Your Place In The World 1 +75
Vile Familiars 2 +350
From The Wreckage.... 3 +250
Lazy Peons 3 +350
Thazz'ril's Pick 3 +350
Vanquish the Betrayers 3 +250
Ak'Zeloth 4 +75
Burning Shadows 4 +150
Carry Your Weight 4 +250
Dark Storms 4 +250
Margoz 4 +10
Minshina's Skull 4 +250
Neeru Fireblade 4 +75
Report to Orgnil 4 +75
Skull Rock 4 +250
Zalazane 4 +250
A Solvent Spirit 5 +250
Practical Prey 5 +250
Thwarting Kolkar Aggression 5 +250
Break a Few Eggs 6 +250
Encroachment 6 +150
Need for a Cure 7 +350
Securing the Lines 7 +263
Winds in the Desert 7 +263
Lost But Not Forgotten 8 +250
Zul'Marosh 8 +79
Conscript of the Horde 10 +79
Crossroads Conscription 10 +250
Doras the Wind Rider Master 10 +28
Meats to Orgrimmar 10 +28
Return to the Crossroads. 10 +368
Ride to Orgrimmar 10 +82
Rilli Greasygob 10 +10
Samophlange Manual 10 +150
A Donation of Wool 12 +150
Blood Feeders 13 +250
Naga at the Zoram Strand 14 +263
Letter to Jin'Zil 15 +250
Allegiance to the Old Gods 17 +150
Allegiance to the Old Gods 17 +350
Egg Hunt 17 +250
The Essence of Aku'Mai 17 +250
The Rescue 17 +150
Trouble in the Deeps 17 +25
Ashenvale Outrunners 19 +275
Troll Charm 19 +263
Jin'Zil's Forest Magic 20 +250
Amongst the Ruins 21 +500
Baron Aquanis 21 +550
Je'neu of the Earthen Ring 23 +262
Final Passage 25 +500
Ruined Kegs 25 +150
A Donation of Silk 26 +150
Never Again! 27 +150
Parts of the Swarm 28 +250
Bloodscalp Clan Heads 30 +250
Bloody Bone Necklaces 30 +250
Foul Magics 30 +250
Headhunting 30 +250
Hunt for Yenniku 30 +250
Rotten Eggs 30 +25
Saving Yenniku 30 +350
Speaking with Gan'zulah 30 +250
Speaking with Nezzliok 30 +150
Split Bone Necklace 30 +250
The Fate of Yenniku 30 +25
The Hammer May Fall 30 +250
The Mind's Eye 30 +350
The Singing Crystals 30 +250
The Troll Witchdoctor 30 +250
The Vile Reef 30 +250
Clam Bait 31 +250
Other Fish to Fry 32 +250
Sigil of Arathor 32 +250
Sigil of Strom 32 +250
Sigil of Thoradin 32 +25
Sigil of Trollbane 32 +250
Trol'kalar 32 +25
Trol'kalar 32 +350
Trollbane 32 +25
Foul Magics 35 +250
Grim Message 35 +250
Badlands Reagent Run 36 +250
Uldaman Reagent Run 36 +250
Find the Gems and Power Source 37 +250
Translating the Journal 37 +250
Translating the Journal 37 +10
Shadowshard Fragments 38 +350
The Gordunni Orb 38 +75
Rise of the Silithid 39 +350
Stinglasher 39 +350
Zukk'ash Infestation 39 +250
Zukk'ash Report 39 +75
A Donation of Mageweave 40 +150
Badlands Reagent Run II 40 +250
Consult Master Gadrin 40 +150
Faerie Dragon Muisek 40 +250
Hippogryph Muisek 40 +250
Mountain Giant Muisek 40 +250
Natural Materials 40 +250
Necklace Recovery, Take 3 40 +250
Return to Witch Doctor Uzer'i 40 +25
Testing the Vessel 40 +250
The Spider God 40 +350
Treant Muisek 40 +250
Weapons of Spirit 40 +250
A Fine Egg 42 +10
Rin'ji is Trapped! 42 +250
Bone-Bladed Weapons 48 +250
Dreadmaul Rock 48 +250
The Princess Saved? 48 +500
A Donation of Runecloth 50 +150
Additional Runecloth 50 +50
Calm Before the Storm 50 +10
Calm Before the Storm 50 +500
Scarlet Diversions 50 +75
Wanted: DWARVES! 51 +250
Lethtendris's Web 54 +350
For The Horde! 55 +500
Poisoned Water 55 +250
Material Assistance 58 +350
No More Mushrooms! 58 +275
Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki 58 +275
Thick Hydra Scales 59 +275
A Job Undone 60 +275
A Spirit Ally? 60 +275
Jyoba's Report 60 +275
Menacing Marshfangs 60 +275
Nothin' Says Lovin' Like a Big Stinger 60 +275
Searching for Scout Jyoba 60 +275
Spirits of the Feralfen 60 +275
The Darkreaver Menace 60 +500
The Lord of Blackrock 60 +550
The Lord of Blackrock 60 +305
There's No Explanation for Fashion 60 +275
Withered Basidium 60 +275
Angling to Beat the Competition 62 +263
Burstcap Mushrooms, Mon! 62 +275
Have You Ever Seen One of These? 62 +263
Impending Attack 62 +275
Message to the Daggerfen 62 +275
Pursuing Terrorclaw 62 +275
Stinging the Stingers 62 +275
The Biggest of Them All 62 +275
The Sharpest Blades 62 +275
Us or Them 62 +263
Preparin' For Battle 75 +0
A Blade Fit For A Champion 77 +263
A Valiant Of Sen'jin 77 +11
A Valiant's Field Training 77 +263
A Worthy Weapon 77 +263
At The Enemy's Gates 77 +263
The Edge Of Winter 77 +250
The Grand Melee 77 +263
The Valiant's Challenge 77 +263
The Valiant's Charge 77 +262
Valiant Of Sen'jin 77 +11
Nombre de visites sur l'accueil depuis la création du site World of Warcraft Classic : 4.126.650 visites.
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