Ironforge - Factions


This Alliance capital is the pride of the Dun Morogh dwarves. Home to King Magni.
Name Rank Profession Buy price
Swift Violet Ram Exalted Mount 500
Name Level Rep. gain
Fire Brigade Practice 0 +90
Thunderbrew Lager 0 +1
A New Threat 1 +250
Begin the Attack! 1 +10
Can't Get Enough Turkey 1 +180
Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery 1 +150
Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery 1 +150
Consecrated Rune 1 +82
Distracting Jarven 1 +25
Don't Forget The Stuffing! 1 +191
Dwarven Outfitters 1 +250
Encrypted Rune 1 +82
Etched Rune 1 +82
Hallowed Rune 1 +82
Pumpkin Pie 1 +96
Senir's Observations 1 +150
Senir's Observations 1 +150
Simple Memorandum 1 +100
Simple Rune 1 +82
Supplies to Tannok 1 +25
Supplying the Front 1 +275
Tainted Memorandum 1 +82
The Boar Hunter 1 +250
The Reports 1 +83 +75
The Stolen Journal 1 +385
The Troll Cave 1 +275 +250
Wildmane the Elder 1 +15
A Favor for Evershine 2 +150
Bitter Rivals 2 +25 +25
Evershine 2 +25 +25
Return to Bellowfiz 2 +350
Return to Marleth 2 +275 +250
Stocking Jetsteam 2 +350 +150
Tools for Steelgrill 2 +25
A Refugee's Quandary 3 +275
Bring Back the Mug 4 +250
Scalding Mornbrew Delivery 4 +75
The Grizzled Den 4 +300 +250
Ammo for Rumbleshot 5 +250 +250
Beer Basted Boar Ribs 5 +275 +150
The Perfect Stout 5 +300 +250
Those Blasted Troggs! 5 +275 +150
Precious and Fragile Things Need Special Handling 6 +275
Protecting the Herd 6 +275 +250
The Public Servant 6 +275 +150
Frostmane Hold 7 +150
Operation Recombobulation 7 +300 +250
Thelsamar Blood Sausages 7 +250
Tundra MacGrann's Stolen Stash 7 +250
A Pilot's Revenge 8 +150
Rejold's New Brew 8 +10
Shimmer Stout 8 +75 +75
Stout to Kadrell 8 +150 +150
The Lost Pilot 8 +75
Filthy Paws 9 +350
Mountaineer Stormpike's Task 9 +75
Stormpike's Delivery 9 +300
Stormpike's Order 9 +263
After the Ambush 10 +10
Children's Week 10 +10
Crocolisk Hunting 10 +250
Excavation Progress Report 10 +25
Gryth Thurden 10 +28 +25
Hallow's End Treats for Jesper! 10 +150
Honor Students 10 +29 +25
In Defense of the King's Lands 10 +250
In Defense of the King's Lands 10 +350
In Defense of the King's Lands 10 +250
In Defense of the King's Lands 10 +250
Knowledge in the Deeps 10 +75
Powder to Ironband 10 +25
Protecting the Shipment 10 +300
Rat Catching 10 +250
Report to Ironforge 10 +75
Resupplying the Excavation 10 +25
Return to Brock 10 +385 +350
Ride to Ironforge 10 +83 +75
The Family and the Fishing Pole 10 +250
The Feast of Winter Veil 10 +614
The Trogg Threat 10 +250
A Donation of Wool 12 +150
Gathering Idols 13 +250
Ironband's Excavation 13 +25
Collecting Memories 14 +250
Gyromast's Retrieval 14 +250
Gyromast's Revenge 14 +250
Trouble In Darkshore? 14 +75
Fruit of the Sea 15 +250
Mercenaries 15 +350
Oh Brother. . . 15 +250
The Absent Minded Prospector 15 +250
The Absent Minded Prospector 15 +350
The Absent Minded Prospector 15 +150
The Absent Minded Prospector 15 +150
A Dark Threat Looms 16 +25
A Dark Threat Looms 16 +250
A Dark Threat Looms 16 +75
A Dark Threat Looms 16 +350
A Dark Threat Looms 16 +250
A Dark Threat Looms 16 +250
A Dark Threat Looms 16 +75
Reception from Tyrande 17 +500
WANTED: Chok'sul 17 +250
Digging Through the Ooze 19 +350
Report to Mountaineer Rockgar 19 +25
The Algaz Gauntlet 19 +150
Blessed Arm 20 +75
Bride of the Embalmer 20 +500
Lightforge Ingots 20 +150
Search for Incendicite 20 +250
The Lost Ingots 20 +150
In Search of The Excavation Team 21 +75
In Search of The Excavation Team 21 +25
Ormer's Revenge 22 +250
Ormer's Revenge 22 +250
Ormer's Revenge 22 +350
The Fury Runs Deep 22 +500
Defeat Nek'rosh 23 +250
Nek'rosh's Gambit 23 +150
Report to Captain Stoutfist 23 +25
War Banners 23 +250
A King's Tribute 25 +75
A King's Tribute 25 +250
A King's Tribute 25 +250
Crashing the Wickerman Festival (PvP) 25 +150
Fall of Dun Modr 25 +75
Sara Balloo's Plea 25 +75
Sully Balloo's Letter 25 +250
The Dark Iron War 25 +250
The Sparklematic 5200! 25 +15
Uncovering the Past 25 +250
A Donation of Silk 26 +150
A Grim Task 26 +350
Gnome Improvement 28 +275 +250
MacKreel's Moonshine 28 +350
Mythology of the Titans 28 +350
Stormpike's Deciphering 28 +250
The Thandol Span 28 +250
The Thandol Span 28 +250
The Thandol Span 28 +150
Agmond's Fate 30 +250
An Apprentice's Enchantment 30 +25
Attack on the Tower 30 +250
Find Agmond 30 +75
Honoring a Hero 30 +250
Ironband Wants You! 30 +27
Letter to Stormpike 30 +75
Malin's Request 30 +150
Murdaloc 30 +250
Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. 30 +250
Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. 30 +250
Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. 30 +250
Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. 30 +250
Reclaimers' Business in Desolace 30 +83
The Karnitol Shipwreck 30 +275
The Karnitol Shipwreck 30 +83
The Karnitol Shipwreck 30 +275
The Karnitol Shipwreck 30 +150
Wand over Fist 30 +250
Reclaimed Treasures 33 +250
A Dwarf and His Tools 35 +250
A Sign of Hope 35 +75
A Sign of Hope 35 +250
Amulet of Secrets 35 +250
An Ambassador of Evil 35 +350
Mirages 35 +150
Passing Word of a Threat 35 +75
Passing Word of a Threat 35 +150
Prospect of Faith 35 +150
Prospect of Faith 35 +250
Scrounging 35 +250
The Hidden Chamber 35 +350
The Lost Tablets of Will 35 +500
Badlands Reagent Run 36 +250
Uldaman Reagent Run 36 +250
In Search of The Temple 38 +250
Rhapsody's Tale 38 +150
A Donation of Mageweave 40 +150
A Hero's Welcome 40 +500
At Last! 40 +250
Badlands Reagent Run II 40 +250
Dwarven Justice 40 +250
Fiery Blaze Enchantments 40 +250
Nekrum's Medallion 40 +350
Proof of Deed 40 +250
Release Them 40 +250
Suntara Stones 40 +250
Suntara Stones 40 +250
Thadius Grimshade 40 +75
The Divination 40 +25
The Horn of the Beast 40 +350
The Platinum Discs 40 +350
Into The Temple of Atal'Hakkar 41 +500
A Future Task 45 +250
Arcane Runes 45 +75
Portents of Uldum 45 +11
Return to Ironforge 45 +10
Return to Tymor 45 +500
Rise, Obsidion! 45 +500
Seeing What Happens 45 +250
Extinguish the Firegut 48 +250
Gor'tesh the Brute Lord 48 +250
Ogre Head On A Stick = Party 48 +250
Ancient Spirit 49 +150
A Donation of Runecloth 50 +150
Additional Runecloth 50 +50
Calm Before the Storm 50 +500
FIFTY! YEP! 50 +250
Kharan Mighthammer 50 +250
The Bearer of Bad News 50 +20
The Fate of the Kingdom 50 +350
The Good Stuff 50 +250
The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan 50 +250
The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan 50 +10
Alterac Valley Graveyards 51 +275
Armor Scraps 51 +275
Call of Air - Ichman's Fleet 51 +11
Call of Air - Slidore's Fleet 51 +11
Call of Air - Vipore's Fleet 51 +11
Capture a Mine 51 +275
Coldtooth Supplies 51 +27
Crystal Cluster 51 +83
Empty Stables 51 +11
Fallen Sky Lords 51 +250
Hero of the Stormpike 51 +11
Honored Amongst the Guard 51 +250
Irondeep Supplies 51 +28
Ivus the Forest Lord 51 +11
More Armor Scraps 51 +11
Proving Grounds 51 +275
Rise and Be Recognized 51 +275
The Battle of Alterac 51 +550
The Quartermaster 51 +11
The Sovereign Imperative 51 +250
Towers and Bunkers 51 +275
Wildkin of Elune 52 +250
Enraged Wildkin 53 +250
Fragments of the Past 53 +25
Fragments of the Past 53 +25
Remorseful Highborne 53 +25
The Crystal of Zin-Malor 53 +250
The Ruins of Kel'Theril 53 +10
Tormented By the Past 53 +25
Troubled Spirits of Kel'Theril 53 +25
Lethtendris's Web 54 +350
Blacksting's Bane 60 +300
Collection of Goods 60 +250
Emphasis on Sacrifice 60 +350
Exorcising Terrordale 60 +75
The Lord of Blackrock 60 +550
The Lord of Blackrock 60 +550
To Show Due Judgment 60 +25
Unfinished Business 60 +275
Timber Worg Tails 62 +250
Ironforge 65 +0
A Blade Fit For A Champion 77 +275
A Valiant Of Ironforge 77 +11
A Valiant's Field Training 77 +275
A Worthy Weapon 77 +275
At The Enemy's Gates 77 +275
The Edge Of Winter 77 +275
The Grand Melee 77 +275
The Valiant's Challenge 77 +275
The Valiant's Charge 77 +275
Valiant Of Ironforge 77 +11
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