Ouverture du PTR 4.4.2 : Début des tests de la Phase 4 de Cataclysm Classic

Âme des dragons, L’Heure du Crépuscule, Puits d’éternité, La Fin des temps...
Arkentass | 23/01/2025 à 23h00 - 0

Le PTR 4.4.2 de Cataclysm Classic ouvre à l'instant ses portes. Celui-ci lance les tests de la Phase 4 qui ajoutera l'Âme des dragons et les donjons L’Heure du Crépuscule, Puits d’éternité et La Fin des temps. Retrouvez les détails dans le patch notes ci-dessous.

Patch notes PTR 4.4.2

This patch will include the Dragon Soul raid (including its Raid Finder difficulty), three dungeons (Hour of Twilight, Well of Eternity, End Time), the legendary dagger set: Fangs of the Father, and a new iteration of the Elemental Rune Dungeons.

Some of these features are not available for test yet, and will be added to the PTR over the next several weeks. We’re planning open the Dragon Soul raid for PTR testing on:

  • Friday January 24 - Monday January 27
  • Friday, January 31 - Monday, February 3

Testing Focus

We have a few new features available on the PTR.


  • Testers have access to the three new dungeons:
    • In Hour of Twilight, you’ll get a look at the desolate future of an Azeroth where Deathwing won, and battle twisted versions of beloved faction leaders.
    • In Well of Eternity, you’ll travel back 10,000 years to the court of Queen Azshara to retrieve the Dragon Soul, a powerful artifact that is critical in your fight against Deathwing.
    • In End Time, you’ll assault the Twilight’s Hammer forces in Dragonblight and escort Thrall and the Dragon Soul to Wyrmrest Temple to being the fight against Deathwing.
  • All three can be entered via the Dungeon Finder or directly in the Caverns of Time.

Dragon Soul Raid

  • It’s finally time to take the fight to Deathwing! You’ll fight through his forces as they attack the Wyrmrest Temple, journey back to The Eye of Eternity, and travel to the Maelstrom to confront Deathwing himself.
  • Enter the raid from the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.
  • The raid includes 8 bosses.
  • This will be the 4.3.4 version of the raid, with tuning changes and adjustments intact.
  • Raid Finder Difficulty will not be available during the first raid test. We intend to test it at a later date.

Known Issues

  • The Caverns of Time minimap has untextured areas.
Tags : WoW Classic Cata Classic
Source : Blizzard
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