Xorothian Stardust - Quêtes

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Xorothian Stardust

Purchase Xorothian Stardust from Ur'dan. Bring it to Gorzeeki Wildeyes in the Burning Steppes.


So you come to me seeking Xorothian stardust? You wish to open a portal to Xoroth, the domain of Hel'nurath my rival? Perhaps you plan to steal from him one of his precious dreadsteeds?

Very well. My servant Ur'dan has a supply of Xorothian stardust. You may obtain it from him... if you can pay the price.


There it is! I can hardly believe you got it! You must have struck a big deal with that Dreadlord or else paid a large sum, or both!

Mor'zul will have his ink very soon and then he can finally make the glyph parchment, so you can open a portal to Xoroth and pull through it one of the famed dreadsteeds!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience.
This quest starts at Felwood and ends at Burning Steppes

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