Voodoo Dues - Quêtes

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Voodoo Dues

Bring Maury's Clubbed Foot, Jon-Jon's Golden Spyglass, and Chucky's Huge Ring to "Sea Wolf" MacKinley in Booty Bay.


My list is shortening, but there are still people who owe me.

Next, we have Maury "Club Foot" Wilkins, Jon-Jon the Crow, and Chucky "Ten Thumbs."

These scurvy dogs' debts are months outstanding and I thought they skipped town to avoid paying up! Later, I heard they're cursed and bewitched and now wander the jungle ruins. But I don't care what their fate is - I want what's mine!

They're at the Ruins of Aboraz and the Ruins of Jubuwal, northeast of here. Find them, and collect.


Great! I can get a good price for these, especially for what's inside Maury's foot! Thanks much, <name>!

I hope those three learned their lesson: don't bet something you can't afford to lose.

And maybe it's too late for them, but...they should be careful of who they gamble with.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Stranglethorn Vale

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