Landing the Killing Blow - Quêtes

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Landing the Killing Blow

Dark Ranger Lyana south of the Vengeance Landing wants you to kill Captain Olster, Lieutenant Celeyne, and Sergeant Lorric at the Derelict Strand.


You've proven yourself in the field of battle, <name>. You might very well have changed the tides in our favor.

I've an important assignment for you now. I'm not sure how much longer the weakness we've exposed is going to last, so we must use the element of surprise to our advantage.

I want you to use the confusion created by our attack and go behind enemy lines to assassinate their leaders. In order of rank, they are: Captain Olster, Lieutenant Celeyne and Sergeant Lorric. Good luck, <class>.


This marks undisputable victory for our forces. Anselm will be most glad to hear about this.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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