Les résultats de votre recherche concernant les créatures de type Giant.
Les affichages sont limités à 1000 entités, utilisez la recherche pour affiner votre recherche.
Name Level Area
Aman 50 - 50 Wetlands
Anathemus 45 - 45 Badlands
Ancient Guardian 1 - 1
Ancient Protector 60 - 60 Teldrassil
Apex 67 - 68 Netherstorm
Apex Crumbler 66 - 67 Netherstorm
Apexis Guardian 72 - 72
Archaedas 40 - 40 Uldaman
Archavon the Stone Watcher 83 - 83 Vault of Archavon
Archavon the Stone Watcher (1) 83 - 83
Archavon Warder 80 - 80 Vault of Archavon
Archavon Warder (1) 80 - 80
Auriaya 83 - 83 Ulduar
Auriaya (1) 83 - 83
Avatar of Freya 80 - 80 Sholazar Basin
Bael'Gar 52 - 52 Blackrock Depths
Baron Kazum 63 - 63
Bog Giant 63 - 63 The Underbog
Bog Giant (1) 70 - 70
Bog Lord 64 - 64 Zangarmarsh
Bog Overlord 70 - 70 The Steamvault
Bog Overlord (1) 70 - 70
Boulderheart 25 - 25 Redridge Mountains
Brothers of the Storm 1 - 1
Button Image 1 - 1
Cache Image 1 - 1
Captive Stone Giant 70 - 70 Howling Fjord
Champion of Hodir 82 - 82 Ulduar
Champion of Hodir (1) 82 - 82
Clayton J Dubin (1) 1 - 1
Cliff Breaker 54 - 55 Azshara
Cliff Giant 50 - 50 Feralas
Cliff Thunderer 53 - 54 Azshara
Cliff Walker 53 - 53 Azshara
Coast Strider 48 - 49 Tanaris
Corok the Mighty 70 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Cragskaar 69 - 69 Netherstorm
Cragskaar Shardling 69 - 69
Crazed Colossus 69 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Crazed Colossus Kill Credit 60 - 65
Crazed Shardling 69 - 69 Shadowmoon Valley
Crystalhide Colossus 62 - 63
Crystalhide Shardling 62 - 63
Crystalline Ice Giant 73 - 74 Dragonblight
Crystalline Ice Giant 73 - 74 Crystalsong Forest
Crystalline Shardling 77 - 77 Halls of Stone
Crystalline Shardling (1) 80 - 80
Dan's Test Colossus 1 - 1
Dark Rune Giant 77 - 78 Halls of Stone
Dark Rune Giant (1) 81 - 81
Dark Rune Giant Transform 1 - 1
Deep Dweller 49 - 50 Tanaris
Deep Strider 47 - 49 Feralas
Deepstrider Giant 38 - 38 Desolace
Deepstrider Searcher 39 - 40 Desolace
Dolomite Giant 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Dune Smasher 48 - 48 Tanaris
Eisenfaust 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks
ELM Daze Target 1 - 1
Emalon the Storm Watcher 83 - 83 Vault of Archavon
Emalon the Storm Watcher (1) 83 - 83
Enthralled Stone Giant 71 - 71
Eric Maloof Test Critter 1 - 1
Eroded Shardling 78 - 78
Eroded Shardling (1) 80 - 80
Farahlon Breaker 69 - 70 Netherstorm
Farahlon Crumbler 67 - 67 Netherstorm
Farahlon Giant 67 - 68 Netherstorm
Farahlon Shardling 69 - 70
Fjordune the Greater 1 - 1
Fjordune the Greater (1) 1 - 1
Fjordune the Greater (2) 1 - 1
Fjordune the Greater (3) 1 - 1
Fozruk 42 - 42 Arathi Highlands
Freed Giant 74 - 74
Freya 83 - 83
Freya 83 - 83 Ulduar
Freya 83 - 83
Freya (1) 83 - 83
Freya Image 1 - 1
Frostmaul Giant 59 - 60 Winterspring
Frostmaul Preserver 59 - 60 Winterspring
Fungal Giant 63 - 64 Zangarmarsh
Gavrock 74 - 74 Grizzly Hills
Golemagg the Incinerator 63 - 63 Molten Core
Goliathon 63 - 63
Goliathon Shardling 60 - 61
Gordawg 73 - 73 Zangarmarsh
Gorlash 42 - 42 Stranglethorn Vale
Grimungous 50 - 50 The Hinterlands
Grizzly Hills Giant 74 - 74 Grizzly Hills
Grocklar 74 - 74 Dragonblight
Grocklar 74 - 74 Grizzly Hills
Gymer 1 - 1
Gymer 77 - 77 The Storm Peaks
Hill Giant 47 - 48
Hill Giant Warden 48 - 49
Hodir 83 - 83 Ulduar
Hodir 83 - 83
Hodir 83 - 83
Hodir (1) 83 - 83
Hodir Image 1 - 1
Hungarfen 65 - 65 The Underbog
Hungarfen (1) 72 - 72
Ice Giant 1 - 1
Ice Giant (1) 1 - 1
Ice Giant (2) 1 - 1
Ice Giant (3) 1 - 1
Ice Giant, Northrend 1 - 1
Ignis the Furnace Master 83 - 83 Ulduar
Ignis the Furnace Master (1) 83 - 83
Image of Megalith 71 - 71
Image of Stone Giant 70 - 70
Iron Colossus 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks
Iron Sentinel 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Iron Sentinel Credit 1 - 1
Jotun 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Karrog 72 - 72
Karrog Shardling 72 - 72
Kashoch the Reaver 60 - 60 Winterspring
Ko'char the Unbreakable 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Kologarn 83 - 83 Ulduar
Kologarn 83 - 83
Kologarn (1) 83 - 83
Kologarn (1) 1 - 1
Koralon the Flame Watcher 83 - 83 Vault of Archavon
Koralon the Flame Watcher (1) 83 - 83
Krystallus 79 - 79 Halls of Stone
Krystallus (1) 82 - 82
Kurun 74 - 74 Grizzly Hills
Land Walker 48 - 48 Feralas
Landslide 48 - 48 Maraudon
Left Arm 83 - 83 Ulduar
Left Arm (1) 83 - 83
Lord Arkkoroc 60 - 60 Azshara
Lore Keeper of Norgannon 60 - 60
Lore Keeper of Norgannon 80 - 80 Ulduar
Lured Colossus 62 - 62
Magmus 56 - 56 Blackrock Depths
Marrod Silvertongue 70 - 70 Howling Fjord
Mechagnome Battletank 80 - 80 Ulduar
Mechagnome Battletank (1) 80 - 80
Megalith 71 - 71 Howling Fjord
Memory of Ignis 82 - 82
Memory of Ignis (1) 82 - 82
Mimiron 83 - 83
Mimiron 83 - 83
Mimiron Image 1 - 1
Mok'rash 46 - 46 Stranglethorn Vale
Molten Colossus 82 - 82 Ulduar
Molten Colossus 1 - 1
Molten Colossus (1) 82 - 82
Molten Destroyer 63 - 63
Molten Giant 62 - 62
Monnos the Elder 54 - 54 Azshara
Morcrush 68 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Morcrush Shardling 68 - 68
Morogrim Tidewalker 73 - 73 Serpentshrine Cavern
Mountain Colossus 71 - 72
Mountain Shardling 70 - 71
Negolash 42 - 42
Netherock 68 - 68 Netherstorm
Netherock Crumbler 68 - 68
Night Elf Ancient of Lore 70 - 70 Hyjal Summit
Night Elf Ancient of War 70 - 70 Hyjal Summit
Night Elf Ancient Protector 70 - 70 Hyjal Summit
Outland Mountain Giant (Netherstorm) 1 - 1
Outland Mountain Giant (Zangar Marsh) 1 - 1
Primordial Behemoth 47 - 47
Putridus the Ancient 80 - 80 Icecrown
QA Test Dummy 80 Giant 1 - 1
Quagmirran 64 - 64 The Slave Pens
Quagmirran (1) 72 - 72
Raging Colossus 63 - 63 Hellfire Peninsula
Raging Dune Smasher 49 - 49
Raging Shardling 62 - 63 Hellfire Peninsula
Ravaged Crystalline Ice Giant 72 - 72 Dragonblight
Right Arm 83 - 83 Ulduar
Right Arm (1) 83 - 83
Rockbiter 45 - 45 Feralas
Runed Giant 74 - 75 Grizzly Hills
Runed Stone Giant 70 - 70 Howling Fjord
Sea Giant 1 - 1
Servant of Arkkoroc 53 - 54 Azshara
Shore Strider 48 - 49 Feralas
Sif Image 1 - 1
Son of Arkkoroc 54 - 55 Azshara
Son of Corok 68 - 68 Shadowmoon Valley
Sorlof 80 - 80 Howling Fjord
Starving Bog Lord 64 - 64 Zangarmarsh
Starving Fungal Giant 63 - 64 Zangarmarsh
Steelbreaker 83 - 83 Ulduar
Steelbreaker (1) 83 - 83
Stone Giant 70 - 70 Howling Fjord
Stone Lord 1 - 1
Stone Watcher of Norgannon 60 - 60
Stonevault Warden 39 - 39
Storm Giant 80 - 80 Howling Fjord
Stormforged Giant 80 - 80 Halls of Lightning
Stormforged Giant (1) 80 - 80
Sylvanaar Ancient Protector 70 - 70 Blade's Edge Mountains
Tavarok 66 - 66 Mana-Tombs
Tavarok (1) 72 - 72
TEST - Clayton Dubin - TEST 1 - 1
The Duke of Shards 62 - 62
Thenan 42 - 42 Arathi Highlands
Thorim 83 - 83 Ulduar
Thorim 83 - 83
Thorim 83 - 83
Thorim (1) 83 - 83
Thorim Image 1 - 1
Tidelord 1 - 1
Toravon the Ice Watcher 83 - 83 Vault of Archavon
Toravon the Ice Watcher (1) 83 - 83
Torseg the Exiled 79 - 79 The Storm Peaks
Ulduar Colossus 80 - 80 Ulduar
Ulduar Colossus (1) 80 - 80
Underbog Colossus 72 - 72 Serpentshrine Cavern
Underbog Lord 64 - 64
Underbog Lord (1) 71 - 71
Underbog Quaker (UNUSED) 1 - 1
Urel Stoneheart 1 - 1
Volchan 60 - 60 Burning Steppes
Volkhan 81 - 82 Halls of Lightning
Volkhan (1) 82 - 82
Vortex Shardling 70 - 72
Vortex Shardling (1) 70 - 72
Wandering Dune Smasher 1 - 1
Wandering Protector 35 - 35 Ashenvale
Wave Strider 47 - 48 Feralas
Weakened Giant 74 - 75
Withered Bog Lord 62 - 62 Zangarmarsh
Withered Giant 61 - 62 Zangarmarsh
Zapped Cliff Giant 49 - 50
Zapped Deep Strider 47 - 49
Zapped Land Walker 48 - 49
Zapped Shore Strider 48 - 49
Zapped Wave Strider 47 - 47
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