Ironaya - NPC


Informations générales

  • Level 39
  • Rank: Elite
  • Faction: Titan
  • Not specified
  • Life: 14590
This NPC can be found in Uldaman.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Ironshod Bludgeon 42 Staves 20 %
Solid Stone 35 Trade Goods 15 %
Deeprock Salt 40 Trade Goods 12 %
Mageweave Cloth 40 Trade Goods 10 %
Silk Cloth 30 Trade Goods 8 %
Cured Ham Steak 45 Consumable 3 %
Moonberry Juice 45 Consumable 2 %
Ironaya's Bracers 42 Mail
Stoneweaver Leggings 40 Cloth

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