Firewing Defender - NPC

Firewing Defender

Informations générales

  • Level 63-64
  • Faction: Monster
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 5527-5715
This NPC can be found in Terokkar Forest.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Firewing Signet 1 Quest 34 %
Netherweave Cloth 60 Cloth 28.29 %
Runecloth 50 Trade Goods 16.79 %
Mag'har Grainbread 65 Bandages 7.1 %
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing 65 Enchanting 5 %
Scroll of Intellect V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Scroll of Agility V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Super Mana Potion 68 Potion 2 %
Scroll of Protection V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Super Healing Potion 65 Potion 2 %
Scroll of Spirit V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Filtered Draenic Water 70 Bandages 2.03 %
Sparkling Star of Elune 70 Blue 2 %
Scroll of Strength V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Scroll of Stamina V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Nexus-Strider Greaves 90 Mail 1 %
Nexus-Strider Breastplate 90 Mail 1 %
Nexus-Strider Legwraps 90 Mail 1 %
Nexus-Strider Mantle 90 Mail 1 %
Nexus-Strider Belt 90 Mail 1 %
Nexus-Strider Helmet 90 Mail 1 %
Nexus-Strider Gloves 90 Mail 1 %
Ranger Pants 99 Leather 1 %
Ranger Jerkin 99 Leather 1 %
Nexus-Strider Bracer 90 Mail 1 %
Ranger Gloves 99 Leather 1 %
Ranger Hat 99 Leather 1 %
Ranger Pauldrons 99 Leather 1 %
Ranger Armguards 99 Leather 1 %
Wrathfin Bindings 93 Mail 1 %
Fenclaw Footwraps 96 Mail 1 %
Fenclaw Waistband 96 Mail 1 %
Fenclaw Armor 96 Mail 1 %
Fenclaw Fists 96 Mail 1 %
Fenclaw Helm 96 Mail 1 %
Ranger Boots 99 Leather 1 %
Wrathfin Mantle 93 Mail 1 %
Wrathfin Armor 93 Mail 1 %
Wrathfin Greaves 93 Mail 1 %
Wrathfin Gloves 93 Mail 1 %
Wrathfin Helmet 93 Mail 1 %
Wrathfin Legguards 93 Mail 1 %
Wrathfin Waistband 93 Mail 1 %
Sunroc Waistband 96 Leather 1 %
Dreghood Trousers 90 Leather 1 %
Dreghood Cowl 90 Leather 1 %
Dreghood Pauldrons 90 Leather 1 %
Dreghood Bands 90 Leather 1 %
Dementia Boots 93 Leather 1 %
Dementia Cord 93 Leather 1 %
Dreghood Gloves 90 Leather 1 %
Dreghood Chestpiece 90 Leather 1 %
Silver-Lined Cloak 96 Cloth 1 %
Feralfen Cuffs 99 Cloth 1 %
Boulderfist Cloak 99 Cloth 1 %
Dreghood Belt 90 Leather 1 %
Dreghood Boots 90 Leather 1 %
Dementia Vest 93 Leather 1 %
Dementia Gloves 93 Leather 1 %
Sunroc Mask 96 Leather 1 %
Sunroc Gloves 96 Leather 1 %
Sunroc Pants 96 Leather 1 %
Sunroc Shoulderguards 96 Leather 1 %
Sunroc Armguards 96 Leather 1 %
Sunroc Chestpiece 96 Leather 1 %
Sunroc Boots 96 Leather 1 %
Dementia Trousers 93 Leather 1 %
Dementia Hood 93 Leather 1 %
Dementia Shoulderguards 93 Leather 1 %
Dementia Armguards 93 Leather 1 %
Fenclaw Legguards 96 Mail 1 %
Ranger Belt 99 Leather 1 %
Marshcreeper Leggings 99 Mail 1 %
Talonguard Helmet 99 Plate 1 %
Talonguard Gloves 99 Plate 1 %
Talonguard Legplates 99 Plate 1 %
Talonguard Epaulets 99 Plate 1 %
Hardened Steel Shield 90 Shields 1 %
Talonguard Bracers 99 Plate 1 %
Talonguard Armor 99 Plate 1 %
Talonguard Greaves 99 Plate 1 %
Khan'aish Legplates 96 Plate 1 %
Khan'aish Helmet 96 Plate 1 %
Khan'aish Epaulets 96 Plate 1 %
Khan'aish Bracers 96 Plate 1 %
Talonguard Girdle 99 Plate 1 %
Screaming Shield 93 Shields 1 %
Modani War-Shield 96 Shields 1 %
Archer's Crossbow 99 Crossbows 1 %
Collapsible Crossbow 96 Crossbows 1 %
Yew Wand 93 Wands 1 %
Magician's Wand 96 Wands 1 %
Conjurer's Wand 99 Wands 1 %
Repeater Crossbow 93 Crossbows 1 %
Citadel Crossbow 90 Crossbows 1 %
Fel Tipped Dart 90 Thrown 1 %
Zangari Shield 99 Shields 1 %
Amani Throwing Axe 93 Thrown 1 %
Jagged Guillotine 96 Thrown 1 %
Wildhammer Throwing Axe 99 Thrown 1 %
Khan'aish Gloves 96 Plate 1 %
Khan'aish Breastplate 96 Plate 1 %
Marshcreeper Bracelets 99 Mail 1 %
Marshcreeper Mantle 99 Mail 1 %
Bloodscale Belt 90 Plate 1 %
Bloodscale Sabatons 90 Plate 1 %
Bloodscale Gauntlets 90 Plate 1 %
Bloodscale Breastplate 90 Plate 1 %
Feralfen Amice 99 Cloth 1 %
Marshcreeper Helm 99 Mail 1 %
Marshcreeper Belt 99 Mail 1 %
Fenclaw Bindings 96 Mail 1 %
Marshcreeper Sludgeboots 99 Mail 1 %
Marshcreeper Fen-Vest 99 Mail 1 %
Marshcreeper Gloves 99 Mail 1 %
Bloodscale Helm 90 Plate 1 %
Bloodscale Legguards 90 Plate 1 %
Bogslayer Pauldrons 93 Plate 1 %
Bogslayer Legplates 93 Plate 1 %
Bogslayer Bracers 93 Plate 1 %
Khan'aish Girdle 96 Plate 1 %
Khan'aish Greaves 96 Plate 1 %
Bogslayer Helm 93 Plate 1 %
Bogslayer Gauntlets 93 Plate 1 %
Bloodscale Bracers 90 Plate 1 %
Bloodscale Pauldrons 90 Plate 1 %
Bogslayer Belt 93 Plate 1 %
Bogslayer Sabatons 93 Plate 1 %
Bogslayer Breastplate 93 Plate 1 %
Fenclaw Mantle 96 Mail 1 %
Feralfen Sandals 99 Cloth 1 %
Battle Star 93 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Flanged Battle Mace 90 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Cold-Iron Scepter 90 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Ceremonial Hammer 93 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Rockshard Club 99 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Silvermoon War-Mace 96 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Cliffjumper Shotgun 99 Guns 1 %
Sawed-Off Shotgun 96 Guns 1 %
Viper Bow 93 Bows 1 %
Windtalker Bow 90 Bows 1 %
Razorsong Bow 96 Bows 1 %
Thalassian Compound Bow 99 Bows 1 %
PC-54 Shotgun 93 Guns 1 %
Croc-Hunter's Rifle 90 Guns 1 %
Restorative Mace 96 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Spirit-Clad Mace 99 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Light-Etched Longsword 93 One-Handed Swords 1 %
War Glaive 99 Polearms 1 %
Skystrider Katana 96 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Bone Collector Sword 99 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Dragon Wing Blade 96 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Vengeance Blade 93 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Fel-Wrought Halberd 96 Polearms 1 %
Voulge Blade 93 Polearms 1 %
Thrallmar War Hammer 93 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Hateful Bludgeon 90 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Stormwind Maul 96 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Highmountain Hammer 99 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Partisan Polearm 90 Polearms 1 %
Silver-Edged Axe 99 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Ogre Splitting Axe 93 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Two of Portals 1 Junk
Three of Warlords 1 Junk
Two of Elementals 1 Junk
Fist of Reckoning 88 One-Handed Maces
Blade of Trapped Knowledge 88 Daggers
Blade of Misfortune 85 Two-Handed Swords
Two of Warlords 1 Junk
Four of Portals 1 Junk
Major Mana Potion 59 Potions, Flask, Elixirs
Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats 69 Enchanting 1 %
Arcane Tome 0 Quest
Thrallmar Tabard 20 Miscellaneous
Four of Warlords 1 Junk
Eternium Lockbox 60 Junk
Leggings of Concentrated Darkness 85 Cloth
Cloak of Entropy 88 Cloth
Reaver's Sickle 90 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Gauntlets of Purification 88 Plate
Kingly Axe 93 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Chipped Woodchopper 96 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Spiked Battle Axe 90 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Colossal War Axe 99 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Breastplate of Blade Turning 88 Plate
Boots of the Decimator 85 Plate
Sash of Silent Blades 85 Leather
Gloves of Ferocity 85 Leather
Demon Hide Spaulders 91 Leather
Hauberk of Totemic Rage 85 Mail
Storm Lord's Girdle 88 Mail
Darkened Broadsword 99 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Hanbo Staff 93 Staves 1 %
Vindicator Tunic 93 Cloth 1 %
Vindicator Boots 93 Cloth 1 %
Vindicator Gloves 93 Cloth 1 %
Vindicator Cap 93 Cloth 1 %
Vindicator Shoulderpads 93 Cloth 1 %
Vindicator Pants 93 Cloth 1 %
Vindicator Belt 93 Cloth 1 %
Laughing Skull Bracelets 90 Cloth 1 %
Laughing Skull Tunic 90 Cloth 1 %
Laughing Skull Boot 90 Cloth 1 %
Laughing Skull Gloves 90 Cloth 1 %
Laughing Skull Cap 90 Cloth 1 %
Laughing Skull Shoulderpads 90 Cloth 1 %
Laughing Skull Pants 90 Cloth 1 %
Vindicator Bracers 93 Cloth 1 %
Scavenger's Cloak 90 Cloth 1 %
Slavehandler Wristguards 96 Cloth 1 %
Slavehandler Amice 96 Cloth 1 %
Feralfen Sash 99 Cloth 1 %
Feralfen Jerkin 99 Cloth 1 %
Feralfen Hood 99 Cloth 1 %
Feralfen Hand 99 Cloth 1 %
Slavehandler Pants 96 Cloth 1 %
Slavehandler Cap 96 Cloth 1 %
Slavehandler Belt 96 Cloth 1 %
Elementalist Cloak 93 Cloth 1 %
Slavehandler Footpads 96 Cloth 1 %
Slavehandler Jerkin 96 Cloth 1 %
Slavehandler Handwraps 96 Cloth 1 %
Laughing Skull Waistguard 90 Cloth 1 %
Consortium Crystal 99 Miscellaneous 1 %
Wight's Claws 99 Fist Weapons 1 %
Ironspine Point 96 Fist Weapons 1 %
Nightstalker Dagger 90 Daggers 1 %
Anzac Dagger 93 Daggers 1 %
Lightning Dagger 93 Daggers 1 %
Siphoning Dagger 90 Daggers 1 %
Spleenripper Claws 93 Fist Weapons 1 %
Shekketh Talons 90 Fist Weapons 1 %
Faerie-Kind Staff 93 Staves 1 %
Frenzied Staff 90 Staves 1 %
Demoniac Longstaff 96 Staves 1 %
Taiji Quarterstaff 99 Staves 1 %
Starshine Staff 99 Staves 1 %
Tranquility Staff 96 Staves 1 %
Arachnid Dagger 96 Daggers 1 %
Cobra Shortblade 99 Daggers 1 %
Scheelite Ring 96 Miscellaneous 1 %
Slavehandler Rod 93 Miscellaneous 1 %
Moldavite Ring 99 Miscellaneous 1 %
Multi-Colored Beads 96 Miscellaneous 1 %
Mistyreed Torch 96 Miscellaneous 1 %
Amethyst Pendant 99 Miscellaneous 1 %
Supplicant's Rod 90 Miscellaneous 1 %
Zircon Amulet 93 Miscellaneous 1 %
Soul-Drain Dagger 99 Daggers 1 %
Shattering Dagger 96 Daggers 1 %
Tourmaline Loop 90 Miscellaneous 1 %
Smoky Quartz Ring 93 Miscellaneous 1 %
Hiddenite Necklace 90 Miscellaneous 1 %
Feralfen Pants 99 Cloth 1 %

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