Sergeant Brashclaw - NPC

Sergeant Brashclaw

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Westfall.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Gnoll Paw 1 Quest 80 %
Brashclaw's Skewer 17 Two-Handed Swords 75 %
Linen Cloth 5 Trade Goods 15 %
Wool Cloth 15 Trade Goods 11 %
Malachite 7 Trade Goods 5 %
Tigerseye 15 Trade Goods 5 %
Ice Cold Milk 15 Consumable 4 %
Lesser Healing Potion 13 Potions, Flask, Elixirs 3 %
Bandit Cinch 19 Leather 1 %
Bandit Bracers 19 Leather 1 %
Prospector's Sash 18 Leather 1 %
Prospector's Boots 19 Leather 1 %
Bard's Trousers 18 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Gloves 19 Leather 1 %
Feral Bindings 16 Leather 1 %
Grizzly Jerkin 16 Leather 1 %
Feral Cord 17 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Boots 18 Leather 1 %
Ceremonial Leather Harness 18 Leather 1 %
Prospector's Mitts 19 Leather 1 %
Bard's Tunic 19 Leather 1 %
Feral Gloves 18 Leather 1 %
Burnished Girdle 20 Mail 1 %
Burnished Gloves 20 Mail 1 %
Raider's Chestpiece 20 Mail 1 %
Bloodspattered Surcoat 21 Mail 1 %
Outrunner's Slippers 20 Mail 1 %
Burnished Boots 21 Mail 1 %
Burnished Leggings 21 Mail 1 %
Lupine Handwraps 16 Leather 1 %
Feral Shoes 18 Leather 1 %
Blackrock Gauntlets 20 Mail 1 %
Foreman's Leggings 20 Mail 1 %
Burnished Tunic 21 Mail 1 %
Lupine Leggings 19 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Belt 17 Leather 1 %
Scouting Belt 21 Leather 1 %
Agile Boots 20 Leather 1 %
Scouting Bracers 21 Leather 1 %
Bandit Boots 20 Leather 1 %
Bandit Gloves 20 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Pants 20 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Breastplate 21 Leather 1 %
Mystic's Woolies 19 Cloth 1 %
Mystic's Gloves 19 Cloth 1 %
Rigid Cape 19 Cloth 1 %
Grunt's Cape 19 Cloth 1 %
Foreman's Gloves 20 Leather 1 %
Prospector's Woolies 21 Leather 1 %
Lupine Vest 20 Leather 1 %
Outrunner's Gloves 20 Mail 1 %
Ceremonial Leather Loincloth 17 Leather 1 %
Bard's Gloves 17 Leather 1 %
Bard's Boots 16 Leather 1 %
Prospector's Cuffs 17 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Bracers 17 Leather 1 %
Hunting Pants 16 Leather 1 %
Rigid Moccasins 21 Leather 1 %
Rigid Belt 20 Leather 1 %
Rigid Bracelets 20 Leather 1 %
Feral Leggings 20 Leather 1 %
Hunting Tunic 17 Leather 1 %
Lupine Slippers 16 Leather 1 %
Brackwater Leggings 16 Mail 1 %
Lupine Buckler 17 Shields 1 %
Soldier's Shield 17 Shields 1 %
Dust Bowl 18 Shields 1 %
Inscribed Buckler 18 Shields 1 %
Feral Buckler 19 Shields 1 %
Raider's Shield 19 Shields 1 %
Bard's Buckler 16 Shields 1 %
Prospector's Buckler 21 Shields 1 %
Green Carapace Shield 21 Shields 1 %
Grunt's Bracers 19 Mail 1 %
Burnished Shield 21 Shields 1 %
Bandit Buckler 20 Shields 1 %
War Paint Shield 20 Shields 1 %
Bloodspattered Shield 18 Shields 1 %
Tigerseye 15 Trade Goods 1 %
Scroll of Stamina 1 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Intellect 1 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Spirit 1 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Agility 1 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Protection 1 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Strength 1 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
White Leather Bag 15 Bag 1 %
Blazing Wand 17 Wands 1 %
Opaque Wand 20 Wands 1 %
Blue Leather Bag 15 Bag 1 %
Red Leather Bag 15 Bag 1 %
Green Leather Bag 15 Bag 1 %
Outrunner's Cuffs 18 Mail 1 %
Outrunner's Cord 19 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Boots 17 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Girdle 16 Mail 1 %
Raider's Bracers 17 Mail 1 %
War Paint Anklewraps 17 Mail 1 %
War Paint Bindings 17 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Gauntlets 17 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Leggings 17 Mail 1 %
Grunt's Belt 20 Mail 1 %
Grunt's Handwraps 21 Mail 1 %
Veteran Armor 16 Mail 1 %
Mystic's Slippers 18 Cloth 1 %
Skeletal Gauntlets 17 Mail 1 %
War Paint Waistband 17 Mail 1 %
War Torn Tunic 16 Mail 1 %
Raider's Legguards 19 Mail 1 %
Raider's Belt 18 Mail 1 %
War Paint Gloves 18 Mail 1 %
War Paint Legguards 19 Mail 1 %
Bloodspattered Loincloth 18 Mail 1 %
Raider's Gauntlets 19 Mail 1 %
Raider's Boots 19 Mail 1 %
Blackrock Boots 19 Mail 1 %
Bloodspattered Sabatons 16 Mail 1 %
Burnished Bracers 19 Mail 1 %
Brackwater Vest 18 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Armor 18 Mail 1 %
Grunt's AnkleWraps 21 Mail 1 %
Pagan Cape 18 Cloth 1 %
Lesser Staff of the Spire 20 Staves 1 %
Edged Bastard Sword 18 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Foamspittle Staff 17 Staves 1 %
Defias Mage Staff 16 Staves 1 %
Riverside Staff 19 Staves 1 %
Riverpaw Mystic Staff 18 Staves 1 %
Merc Sword 16 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Gleaming Claymore 20 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Scimitar of Atun 19 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Raider Shortsword 16 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Northern Shortsword 18 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Shadowhide Two-handed Sword 20 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Shiver Blade 20 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Medicine Staff 19 Staves 1 %
Hook Dagger 20 Daggers 1 %
Aboriginal Rod 20 Miscellaneous 1 %
Volcanic Rock Ring 21 Miscellaneous 1 %
Spellbinder Orb 17 Miscellaneous 1 %
Willow Branch 19 Miscellaneous 1 %
Runic Stave 18 Miscellaneous 1 %
Ring of the Moon 21 Miscellaneous 1 %
Lead Band 20 Miscellaneous 1 %
Venom Web Fang 19 Daggers 1 %
War Knife 17 Daggers 1 %
Hollowfang Blade 18 Daggers 1 %
Seer's Fine Stein 21 Miscellaneous 1 %
Quartz Ring 20 Miscellaneous 1 %
Defias Rapier 16 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Redridge Machete 16 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Moss Agate 25 Trade Goods
Tel'Abim Banana 15 Consumable
Grunt Axe 21 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Orcish Cleaver 21 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Lupine Axe 20 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit 17 Enchanting
Shadowgem 20 Trade Goods
Thick Adamantite Necklace 83 Miscellaneous 1 %
Luminous Noble Topaz 70 Green 1 %
Heavy Adamantite Ring 83 Miscellaneous 1 %
Haunch of Meat 15 Consumable 1 %
Minor Mana Potion 15 Potions, Flask, Elixirs
Cold Iron Pick 17 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Twin-bladed Axe 16 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Gnoll Skull Basher 19 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Sergeant's Warhammer 17 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Barbed Club 19 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Heavy Gnoll War Club 21 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Oak Mallet 21 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Petrified Shinbone 17 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Gnoll Punisher 17 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Light Bow 21 Bows 1 %
Barbaric Battle Axe 18 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Hunter's Muzzle Loader 19 Guns 1 %
Blackrock Mace 21 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Wicked Blackjack 17 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Foreman's Boots 21 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Robe 21 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Cape 17 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Loincloth 17 Cloth 1 %
Mystic's Bracelets 17 Cloth 1 %
Prospector's Cloak 17 Cloth 1 %
Outrunner's Cloak 17 Cloth 1 %
War Paint Cloak 16 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Gloves 16 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Footwraps 16 Cloth 1 %
Raider's Cloak 16 Cloth 1 %
Willow Gloves 16 Cloth 1 %
Mystic's Belt 17 Cloth 1 %
Native Vest 16 Cloth 1 %
Native Robe 16 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Gloves 18 Cloth 1 %
Barbaric Cloth Vest 18 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Belt 19 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Bands 18 Cloth 1 %
Pagan Bands 19 Cloth 1 %
Buccaneer's Bracers 19 Cloth 1 %
Buccaneer's Cape 19 Cloth 1 %
Bandit Cloak 18 Cloth 1 %
Willow Pants 18 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Belt 18 Cloth 1 %
Burnished Cloak 18 Cloth 1 %
Barbaric Cloth Robe 18 Cloth 1 %
Willow Vest 19 Cloth 1 %
Willow Robe 19 Cloth 1 %
Buccaneer's Boots 19 Cloth 1 %
Willow Belt 16 Cloth 1 %
Greenweave Cloak 20 Cloth 1 %
Greenweave Bracers 21 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Robe 20 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Vest 20 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Gloves 20 Cloth 1 %
Scouting Cloak 20 Cloth 1 %
Defender Cloak 20 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Padded Armor 21 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Pants 20 Cloth 1 %
Shimmering Boots 21 Cloth 1 %
Shimmering Bracers 20 Cloth 1 %
Shimmering Cloak 21 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Leggings 21 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Sandals 20 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Boots 17 Cloth 1 %
Spellbinder Pants 16 Cloth 1 %
Barbaric Loincloth 16 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Cuffs 17 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Cape 17 Cloth 1 %
Inscribed Cloak 16 Cloth 1 %
Spellbinder Vest 17 Cloth 1 %
Hulking Cloak 20 Cloth 1 %
Buccaneer's Gloves 20 Cloth 1 %
Buccaneer's Cord 20 Cloth 1 %
Spellbinder Robe 17 Cloth 1 %
Bristlebark Cape 21 Cloth 1 %
Pagan Belt 21 Cloth 1 %
Brashclaw's Chopper 19 Two-Handed Axes

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