Ben Trias - NPC

Ben Trias <Apprentice of Cheese>

Informations générales

  • Level 25
  • Faction: Stormwind
  • Humanoid
  • Reaction: Alliance
  • Life: 713
This NPC can be found in Stormwind City.
Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Refreshing Spring Water 5 1
Dalaran Sharp 15 6
Dwarven Mild 25 25
Ice Cold Milk 15 6
Melon Juice 25 25
Moonberry Juice 45 10
Stormwind Brie 35 62
Sweet Nectar 35 50
Darnassian Bleu 5 1
Fine Aged Cheddar 45 150
Morning Glory Dew 55 20
Alterac Swiss 55 20
Garadar Sharp 65 280
Filtered Draenic Water 70 280
Sour Goat Cheese 75 425
Pungent Seal Whey 80 425
Honeymint Tea 85 550
Briny Hardcheese 85 80
Sweetened Goat's Milk 75 30

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