Lord Serpentis - NPC

Lord Serpentis <Fanglord>

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Wailing Caverns.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Gem of Serpentis 1 Quest 100 %
Venomstrike 24 Bows 25 %
Savage Trodders 23 Mail 25 %
Footpads of the Fang 23 Leather 25 %
Serpent Gloves 23 Cloth 25 %
Wool Cloth 15 Trade Goods 17 %
Linen Cloth 5 Trade Goods 13 %
Tel'Abim Banana 15 Consumable 4 %
Ice Cold Milk 15 Consumable 4 %

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