Scarlet Peasant - NPC

Scarlet Peasant

Informations générales

  • Level 44-46
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 891-1101
The location of this NPC is unknown.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Silk Cloth 30 Trade Goods 43.7 %
Stormwind Brie 35 Consumable 6.9 %
Mageweave Cloth 40 Trade Goods 7.1 %
Greater Healing Potion 31 Potions, Flask, Elixirs 2.6 %
Sweet Nectar 35 Consumable 3.3 %
Mana Potion 32 Potions, Flask, Elixirs 1.1 %
Brigade Gauntlets 43 Mail
Brigade Circlet 44 Mail
Brigade Breastplate 45 Mail
Brigade Girdle 43 Mail
Champion's Girdle 46 Mail
Champion's Bracers 45 Mail
Brigade Leggings 45 Mail
Myrmidon's Greaves 49 Mail
Brigade Boots 43 Mail
Chromite Barbute 44 Plate
Valorous Girdle 46 Plate
Valorous Greaves 47 Plate
Field Plate Armor 44 Plate
Chromite Pauldrons 45 Plate
Champion's Greaves 46 Mail
Chromite Gauntlets 44 Plate
Chromite Greaves 44 Plate
Brigade Pauldrons 44 Mail
Captain's Leggings 43 Mail
Tracker's Leggings 46 Leather
Chieftain's Belt 48 Leather
Chieftain's Boots 49 Leather
Tracker's Gloves 44 Leather
Tracker's Boots 44 Leather
Huntsman's Armor 43 Leather
Tracker's Belt 44 Leather
Chieftain's Gloves 49 Leather
Blackforge Cowl 45 Mail
Embossed Plate Armor 45 Plate
Champion's Armor 48 Mail
Champion's Helmet 47 Mail
Blackforge Girdle 44 Mail
Blackforge Greaves 45 Mail
Blackforge Gauntlets 44 Mail
Blackforge Leggings 46 Mail
Champion's Gauntlets 46 Mail
Gothic Sabatons 45 Plate
Recipe: Magic Resistance Potion 42 Alchemy
Recipe: Invisibility Potion 47 Alchemy
Design: Golden Hare 40 Jewelcrafting
Plans: Wildthorn Mail 54 Blacksmithing
Plans: Wicked Mithril Blade 45 Blacksmithing
Plans: Golden Scale Cuirass 39 Blacksmithing
Plans: Mithril Spurs 47 Blacksmithing
Plans: Dazzling Mithril Rapier 48 Blacksmithing
Design: Truesilver Boar 47 Jewelcrafting
Design: Gem Studded Band 50 Jewelcrafting
Scroll of Spirit III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Agility III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Strength III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Stamina III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Protection III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Journeyman's Backpack 45 Bag
Scroll of Intellect III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe 40 Blacksmithing
Plans: Frost Tiger Blade 40 Blacksmithing
Gothic Plate Vambraces 45 Plate
Captain's Buckler 44 Shields
Field Plate Shield 43 Shields
Gothic Plate Spaulders 47 Plate
Gothic Plate Helmet 46 Plate
Gothic Plate Gauntlets 46 Plate
Gothic Plate Girdle 45 Plate
Heraldic Bracers 46 Leather
Champion's Wall Shield 48 Shields
Brigade Defender 45 Shields
Pattern: Red Mageweave Pants 43 Tailoring
Pattern: Red Mageweave Gloves 45 Tailoring
Schematic: Parachute Cloak 45 Engineering
Pattern: Red Mageweave Vest 43 Tailoring
Pattern: Big Voodoo Mask 44 Leatherworking
Embossed Plate Shield 45 Shields
Star Ruby 50 Trade Goods
Embossed Plate Leggings 44 Plate
Cabalist Boots 46 Leather
Sacrificial Kris 44 Daggers
Dreadblade 47 Daggers
Pendant of Myzrael 35 Miscellaneous
Spiritchaser Staff 44 Staves
Headstriker Sword 43 Two-Handed Swords
Greater Maul 46 Two-Handed Maces
Furious Falchion 45 One-Handed Swords
Battlefield Destroyer 47 Two-Handed Swords
Sorcerer Sphere 43 Miscellaneous
Aquamarine Ring 46 Miscellaneous
Mistscape Pants 45 Cloth
Mistscape Boots 43 Cloth
Mistscape Gloves 43 Cloth
Lodestone Necklace 44 Miscellaneous
Tellurium Necklace 45 Miscellaneous
Lodestone Hoop 46 Miscellaneous
Marsh Ring 45 Miscellaneous
Conk Hammer 48 Two-Handed Maces
Goblin Nutcracker 43 One-Handed Maces
Mug O' Hurt 46 One-Handed Maces
Khoo's Point 44 Polearms
Furen's Boots 44 Cloth
Bow of Searing Arrows 42 Bows
Reinforced Steel Lockbox 45 Junk
Mistscape Stave 46 Miscellaneous
Aquamarine 45 Trade Goods
Steel Lockbox 40 Junk
Sheepshear Mantle 45 Leather
Plated Fist of Hakoo 45 Plate
Gigantic War Axe 46 Two-Handed Axes
Crusader Bow 45 Bows
Sniper Rifle 44 Guns
Crescent Edge 48 One-Handed Axes
Ebonclaw Reaver 46 One-Handed Axes
Golem Shard Leggings 46 Plate
Mountainside Buckler 46 Shields
Mistscape Wizard Hat 44 Cloth
Mistscape Armor 46 Cloth
Warmonger's Cloak 45 Cloth
Lord's Cape 48 Cloth
Imperial Leather Pants 45 Leather
Chieftain's Cloak 47 Cloth
Abjurer's Sash 48 Cloth
Royal Amice 45 Cloth
Abjurer's Cloak 48 Cloth
Abjurer's Gloves 49 Cloth
Imperial Leather Spaulders 44 Leather
Imperial Leather Breastplate 46 Leather
Cabalist Helm 47 Leather
Cabalist Spaulders 47 Leather
Cabalist Bracers 45 Leather
Ranger Leggings 43 Leather
Ranger Tunic 45 Leather
Imperial Leather Boots 43 Leather
Imperial Leather Helm 43 Leather
Royal Trousers 46 Cloth
Royal Boots 44 Cloth
Gossamer Gloves 46 Cloth
Gossamer Boots 45 Cloth
Gossamer Bracers 45 Cloth
Gossamer Pants 47 Cloth
Regal Leggings 44 Cloth
Regal Armor 45 Cloth
Regal Robe 45 Cloth
Gossamer Belt 46 Cloth
Cabalist Cloak 44 Cloth
Heraldic Cloak 45 Cloth
Myrmidon's Cape 47 Cloth
Royal Sash 44 Cloth
Hibernal Cloak 46 Cloth
Hibernal Bracers 47 Cloth
Champion's Cape 44 Cloth
Hibernal Boots 47 Cloth
Heraldic Boots 47 Leather

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