Ogri'la Grubgiver - NPC

Ogri'la Grubgiver <Food Vendor>

Informations générales

  • Level 71-73
  • Faction: Ogri'la
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 5000
This NPC can be found in Blade's Edge Mountains.

Members Screenshots

Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Alterac Swiss 55 20
Dried King Bolete 55 20
Roasted Quail 55 20
Deep Fried Plantains 55 20
Spinefin Halibut 55 20
Smoked Talbuk Venison 65 280
Skethyl Berries 65 280
Garadar Sharp 65 280
Sunspring Carp 65 280
Zangar Caps 65 280
Mag'har Mild Cheese 75 40
Telaari Grapes 75 40
Clefthoof Ribs 75 40
Zangar Trout 75 40
Sporeggar Mushroom 75 40
Ogri'la Chicken Fingers 75 40
Mingo's Fortune Giblets 75 40

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