Qiff - NPC

Qiff <Engineering Supplies>

Informations générales

  • Level 65
  • Faction: Friendly
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 7984
This NPC can be found in Netherstorm.

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Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Mining Pick 4 16
Blacksmith Hammer 1 3
Engineer's Ink 50 50
Blank Parchment 40 125
Fel Iron Bomb 60 250
Adamantite Grenade 65 250
White Smoke Flare 1 250
Green Smoke Flare 1 250
Elemental Blasting Powder 60 50
Fel Iron Casing 60 800
Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 60 150
Adamantite Frame 65 1
Khorium Power Core 70 120
Felsteel Stabilizer 70 120

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