Mudfin Frenzy - NPC

Mudfin Frenzy

Informations générales

  • Level 62-63
  • Faction: Frenzy
  • Beast
  • Life: 1335-1382
This NPC can be found in Zangarmarsh.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Unidentified Plant Parts 0 Quest 25 %
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing 65 Enchanting 5 %
Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility 66 Alchemy 5 %
Scroll of Protection V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Scroll of Spirit V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Scroll of Strength V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Scroll of Intellect V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Scroll of Stamina V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Super Mana Potion 68 Potion 2 %
Sparkling Star of Elune 70 Blue 2 %
Super Healing Potion 65 Potion 2 %
Scroll of Agility V 60 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 2 %
Eternium Ore 70 Metal & Stone

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